Does anyone remember Oban Star-Racers? It was one of the first great western animations of the mid-2000s...

Does anyone remember Oban Star-Racers? It was one of the first great western animations of the mid-2000s, granted with some help from the Japanese. But I feel like no one remembers it, probably because it aired around the same time as ATLA and while Oban is great, it's not Avatar tier.
But Amphibia's ending reminded me a bunch of this show's own ending. World ending tier stakes, a dark avatar of destruction, and all that that is defeated by a band of 3 heroes, with one having to make the ultimate sacrifice to truly defeat it. Diety wants the main character to take its place and all, but mc refuses, so another solution is found. Having to accept change is one of the main themes of both endings. Am I the only one to remember this show or just the only one to see the similarities?

Attached: Oban_promo_poster.jpg (265x376, 26.07K)

Personally I only remember this show very briefly since I watched it in the early 2000s.

Looking forward to the Blu-Ray


Same, I was actually surprised it got funded and way over the initial ask and reached all its goals.

I remember it on Jetix and I always felt kinda trippy watching it.
Especially the intro.

I fucking loved every minute of it I came when they kissed.

If someone told me that it was going to be a cartoon about racing, I would not have expected a good show, let alone a very good show like Oban.

Side note, Ning and Skun deserve more cute art.

Attached: Oban_Ning_Skun.jpg (803x1600, 143.78K)

There were rumors of a sequel series a few years back. Though what it would be about I have no idea.

I feel like good shows should avoid sequels and reboots. Maybe would be nice to have a side-character spinoff that was widely different and not based on the same plot premise, but not an attempt to recapture the same themes.

Why, yes, it's actually one of my favourite shows of all time. I am actually currently working on the concept of a book (or perhaps comic) with Oban as its main inspiration (With some Voltron and Speed Racer 2008 sprinkled in).
And now that you mention it... yeah, I guess they do feel sorta similar. maybe that's why I'm not as butthurt about it as the rest of the Amphibia fanbase seems to be.

I hate this show because the human characters have no noses
same reason I never watched Adventure Time

True, Oban really was unexpected with its quality, and yea but there's not enough fan art of this show anyway. Sucks being an obscure mid-2000s western cartoon.

Yea I heard about the sequel, apparently, the original pitch was about Eva and the Prince creating some sort of coalition to prevent the Crogs from being dicks.


Also, wait what? People are butthurt about Amphibia's ending, everywhere I looked people were praising it.

That is some stupid reason to not watch something user.

>People are butthurt about Amphibia's ending, everywhere I looked people were praising it.
go to the amphibia threads lmao
A buncha people mad for... well, many reasons. From the timeskip to the clone-anne thing to a lot of smaller details.

I spent many days on the ancient internet tracking down all the background art for this show. most of its up on various boards. the shoe did a really great job with atmospheric worldbuilding and had great location design.

still weirded out about the no noses thing, though

>That is some stupid reason to not watch something user.
how the fuck can I watch something when the design choice bothers me every fucking second I look at this shit

I only saw one episode as a kid, the one with the slenderman alien that turns into his own spaceship. Freaked me the fuck out. I wanted to watch the whole series but my family were poor Bonglanders who didn't let me on the internet and it was never on TV. Is it worth a watch?

Totally. I'd say the biggest problem of this show is pacing. Every episode seems to NEED a race, so often times the buildup to that race feels a bit rushed. It probably would have benefited from having another 10 or so episodes to be able to better build up some of the bigger races.
However, even if rushed, what the show does is still amazing. The characters are all wonderfully written, the animation holds up incredibly well, even the CGI, and it's overall great.

My only complaint is that the english dub is actually kinda shitty, and I'm not even sure where you can watch this subbed. I dodge this issue by watching it with the amazing spanish dub, so I can't help you on that front

It needed the Wipeout HD devs to create a tie-in game

That might explain why I didn't realize the reception was wack on here. I avoid frog threads on this board like the plague, it's one of the rare cases where the subreddit for a series is less shit than the chan discussions.

Mind dropping a link to some of those backgrounds?

Get better taste, the designs for this show are kino.

Yea, it's good and worth it. The first user that replied summed it up pretty well.

Yea, it always felt weird that this show never got a game, it felt like the perfect show to get one. Someone is making a game in Dreams. Can't comment on the quality as I don't have a PS.

I want to squeeze Molly's midriff!

Perfect hip to waste ratio.

>OP members Oban
>OP does not know blurays are coming