What was the peak of comics, and why was it DC rebirth?

What was the peak of comics, and why was it DC rebirth?

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New 52

Johns showed that he would've been a great EIC since he was the architect for Rebirth. Sitting down with writers and helping them shape up their runs. The idea was to take the best stuff from New 52 and fit it into pre-Flashpoint and then say the reboot never happened.

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>Sitting down with writers and helping them shape up their runs.
Best example of this was Lobdell with Red Hood and the Outlaws, the moment that Johns was gone then Lobdell returned to his New 52 stuff and fucked Jason/Artemis relationship

I liked everything from around Infinite Crisis (Gotham Central, 52, Up Up and Away, etc...) right up to but not including Brightest Day. Johns' Superman was cool; Dini and Morrison on Batman was great; lead up to Blackest Knight + introducing red, blue, and orange lanterns was great; Ultimate Spider-Man, Morrison's X-Men and Brubaker's Daredevil were all solid as well. I also quite liked Brand New Day and the followups that felt like more 'classic' episodic Spider-man soap opera + superheroics.

Rebirth was only good for a few months before it started to go to shit.

At first it seemed like they were doing good, but the longer it went on, the more it became clear that they were just making up shit without a plan. This is what led to Doomsday Cock.

DC You was better.

New 52 to Rebirth to after that was such a weird turnaround. It's like shooting yourself in the foot, getting it magically healed, and then willingly shooting your foot again.

Keep seething Didio. Rebirth restored happiness back to the DCU decades after Alan Moore and Millar shat hard on everything. It had the best Superman story, best Batman story, best GL story, best Watchmen story, best WW story, best DKR story, best Flash story, best Red Hood story.
It was even praised by professional critics.

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I don’t understand what happened here, did he just fuck off to work on the movies until he got fired from them? Obviously he dropped the ball with Doomsday Clock, but iirc that was already after he started to step away anyway.

I always thought it was weird that he claimed the reason for Rebirth was specifically because characters like Conner Kent had become unrecognizable to him, but then the seeds for Conner’s return weren’t even planted while he was overseeing things.

I get why Johns left to further his career in Hollywood, but he was unironically a great editor that honed in writers. It's like he actually gave a damn about not only the canon at hand, but also what writers wanted to do and fitting them with projects that fit their talents. I know we like to rip on Johns, and of course not everything he's written is gold, but the guy for better or worse was one of the better things to happen to DC when he was there. Now look at us, everything has gone to hell after Death Metal, and it's all Didio's fault

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Johns just wanted to bring back pre-Flashpoint but didn't want to scare away readers. DCYou was too different for comic buyers but New 52 also brought in new readers. So a lot of the titles had transitions back to the old timeline while carrying some of the New 52 content with it. Johns didn't go in and dictate what everyone had to do. He just offered guidance and advice to make the transition less bumpy.

I think the main thing Rebirth had going for it was just what it represented, not so much the quality of the stories. A lot of people were burned by New 52 but more willing to jump back in and try new things when the new relaunch was basically framed as a big apology for the previous five years. It DID become obvious very fast that there was no longterm plan, I mean, does anyone remember the No Justice era? There was a lot of wheel spinning in 2017/2018, when many Rebirth books had barely passed 12 issues.

The story is that a lot of editors at DC turned on Johns because of the whole Ray Fisher thing, as well as a few other controversies like when he allegedly told Candace Patton that Iris West should never wear a superhero uniform.

But DC fired a lot of their editors a few years ago, including the ones who were supposedly blacklisting Johns. Now DC is trying coax him back, starting with Flashpoint Beyond.

I don't buy the Fisher thing. Johns just left to do movie shit, thinking DC was in a good place after he left. Didio and his infinite autism HATED the status quo, and wanted things to his liking. That's why he started catering to Tom King, Scott Snyder, and Brian Bendis

>The story is that a lot of editors at DC turned on Johns because of the whole Ray Fisher thing
I could see this as true because Editors and writers have try their best to fuck Johns plans since he left DC like Snyder fucking him over the JSA introduction in his shitty Metal stuff when he knew that the JSA return was planned to happen in Doomsday Clock

Didio has outright talked about in interviews after leaving DC that he thought Rebirth was going too far and bringing back elements that were problems and shouldn't have returned so he attempted to scale back on it. Johns getting involved into the movies probably tied to his own books getting delayed, but with Didio in charge, Rebirth was always going to fall apart since he quickly came t see it as a mistake. Trades sales then not getting a boost, unlike the monthly comics, just gave Didio more power to uproot Rebirth.

Johns feels like an actual comics fan. There was a period when I would have said that fanboys being in charge of comics was actually a problem because you see some pretty blatant favoritism but now that we live in an era where a bunch of comic creators actively hate the source material and what it represents I can look back and say that Johns was not actually that bad.

So, it was just for idiots who suck Johns' dick and only started reading since infinite crisis and GL Rebirth? I say shocked.

I stopped reading with Rebirth where your weekly masterpieces were Venditti's GL, Lobdell's Red Hood and Jurgens' Action comics. Some of the masters of the medium at work here.

More like a fan of his own headcanon.

Kind of? He felt like a 12 year old kid making up stories about how Hal was so gosh-darn cool and better than Batman and flew off into space to take down the god of fear. The kind of simple but genuine plotlines that people who just want to watch cool explosions with their favorite characters would come up with.