The only people who like her are coomers or underage redditors...

The only people who like her are coomers or underage redditors. Ahsoka ain't particularly well written nor does she have any presence in the larger scale of the story.

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Barriss is better

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Honestly she was annoying at first, got a bit better later in TCW but didnt really become a character i liked untill rebels s2, that did her quite well. But she should have died there. Now she really has no purpose.
Making Barris a terrorist and ashoka's age was not a good move.

She legitimately should be dead by now. Her being alive post-ROTJ is bullshit.

I think most people agree.

>The only people who like her are coomers
Yes. And?

>The only people who like her are coomers
You say that as if it's a bad thing

What the fuck were they thinking when they made her evil? It comes out of nowhere and is way too extreme for this character especially if you've known her from the Eu where she was basically the completely opposite of a sith.

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It's astonishing how Any Forums pulled a complete 180 on this character the moment the designated schizo who was always simping for her decided to dissappear from the board. Vocal minorities absolutely dominate this place.

You realized it she never got flames and graduated her apprenticeship Anakin would have being promoted and officially algebra for the Jedi Council. And honestly at that point I think they probably would have had him do some council stuff to show him he probably will not actually like the job.

Simple solution would have been to just give her an OC padawan that is ashoka's age and do all that stuff with her. Especially since she was supposed to be anakin's age originally.
I think she's allright, if a bit bullshit to begin with, but has already fuffiled her role as a character and adds nothing outside of a "i recongize her" character to current stories.

I always hated Ahsoka, but you are right. One guy can dominate the board if he's committed, as seen with Barneyfag.

It breaks every fucking rule of Star Wars that she was around in ROTJ, openly fighting for the Rebellion as a Jedi. The whole gimmick of the OT is that the Jedi are extinct and whoever isn't dead is in hiding.

Especially given her sheer connection to everything, why wouldnt she try to help out Luke with vader?

>What the fuck were they thinking when they made her evil?
Barriss was the closest thing Ahsoka had to an actual friend in the Jedi Order who wasn't Anakin, Obi-Wan, or any of her other mentors, and the entire schtick of the arc was apping The Fugitive.
>It comes out of nowhere and is way too extreme for this character especially if you've known her from the Eu where she was basically the completely opposite of a sith.
Honestly, why did Barriss have hate Ahsoka as much as she ostensibly did all of a sudden? It'd be one thing if she were only attempting to frame her, but she went out of her way to be downright cruel and pretty much tried to destroy her life. It's especially concerning because she had only appeared in like two or three episodes before the fact, in which she was stablished as a legitimate friend who was on good terms with Ahsoka. The episode doesn't even attempt to provide us with an explanation for this antipathy like it does for her main motivation in punishing the Jedi Order.

N-No you see the jedi are evil because we're getting closer to Revenge of the Sith! We're totally gonna keep George's vision in tact! Just forget that Anakin's character isn't even consistent with the movies...

Yeah that's the issue, that role shouldnt have been Barris's at all, she's in a different generation.
It is funny that both obi and anakin are more or less their rots intro selves from the very start of TCW, with no connective tissue.

Not even Obi Wan. Giving him a sort of girlfriend and make him attached to her to the point he'd even fly to her planet to save her while the jedi won't do it completely contradicts the Obi Wan from the movies who is the prime example of a jedi and both the good and bad ways.

Well adimtbely obi did have a love intrest in the EU. But it was far briefer and before the whole "no love" thing was established with AOTC. There's also the whole ventress thing, but that can be more debated.

I mostly mean that their personalites are already at that level at the very start with no real inbetween.

It's like when Ezra tries to recruit Obi-Wan but he declines because "it's not the time because the Force said so."

In general rebels got a bit gratitous with how much the main cast interacts with previous sw characters.

And ashoka really should have died in s2.