

Attached: 1648947266736.png (1280x720, 802.39K)

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now why can't cars be like this? that's hilarious.

Attached: 1477103238125.jpg (512x523, 20.34K)

i turned my plane into a pickle morty!


Attached: 1648948048667.png (1350x582, 764.6K)

finally a mouth worthy of giving the succ

Great, now Deviljhos can fly.

I know this is supposed to be horrific but holy shit everytime I see the plane I can't stop laughing

Attached: E37A361B-F72D-4964-AAE5-C72157B4786F.png (468x422, 105.58K)

It's not supposed to be horrific.
It's for kids!
It's supposed to make them laugh!


Attached: MV5BMjE2NTQxMDU1M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDc0MzgyMQ@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1457, 151.54K)

Congratulations you must be the target demographic

Monkey's paw. His teeth scrapes constantly

came to post this. God i want to fuck that girl plane.

A biomechanical demon that swoops down from the skies to consume any living thing unfortunate to be in its path. The only warning you get is an awful shriek before it descends, leaving an empty space and a gust of wind where someone once was.

This remake of Dick Dastardly and Muttly looks horrible

Not sure what's worse the character design or the horribly out of tune singing and janky voice acting

Attached: 1648967911850.png (386x409, 244.57K)


The voice actor has an arab immigrant accent lmao

BASED moot!