Captain America The First Avenger is underrated

Captain America The First Avenger is underrated

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Agreed. It’s easily top 5 MCU flicks

My ranking

Cap 2
Iron Man
Cap 1

it's the best and only actually good cap film, the MCU did him dirty as it should have been more shit like this, solo stuff actually about him, instead of getting other characters over.

>it's the best and only actually good cap film
2 was great user

I did not enjoy it

Your opinion doesn’t change that it’s a phenomenal film

Well, yea it does. That's how it works.

It’s great. Winter Soldier fucking sucks

>Winter Soldier fucking sucks
I disgaree

you have extremely low standards if you think winter soldier was anything but average.

winter soldier is one of the best MCU movies user. top 3 at least and I would argue top 2 behind iron man 1

There's about 6 or 7 MCU films i'd put before baby's first spy thriller.

>winter soldier is one of the best MCU movies user
Yeah like he said. Average.

Why police the thread? The IP hasn’t changed.

I’m ranking marvel flicks not talking about persona or seventh seal you insufferable pseud

Name them…

Comfy Joe Johnston kino desu. I love that we got all the SamSteve stuff in Winter Soldier but it was more of a Bucky movie than Steve's. CW should have been branded Avengers: Civil War.

Winter Soldier is bottom tier marvel. It’s a baby trash movie pretending to be a political spy thriller or something.

Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2, Infinity War Part 1, Iron Man, Spider-man: Homecoming, Spider-man: No Way Home, Incredible Hulk, Thor: Ragnarok and the first Captain America. All better.

It's really not. Starts great but loses a lot of steam in the second half and ends as boring action schlock.

Phenomenal is going a bit to far, but it is a good movie in its own right. It’s just a shame that they eliminated so much of caps character development to rush straight into Bucky being alive. I honestly miss the days when he blamed himself for that death and lived each day in the present to honor him

>iron-boy 3
>gotg 2
Horrible taste.

>complaining about taste in a thread praising First Avenger

Solid movie but I didn't like the two montage sequences.

Yeah the second half is where imo you can see suits coming in and saying "well it has to set up this, this, this, and this"

But everything up to the montage is 10/10