What killed the action anthro genre in comics and cartoons?

What killed the action anthro genre in comics and cartoons?

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I dunno, I think they just had their time and place and people just moved on. It's almost like a missing link between the 80s and the 90s. The genre definitely peaked in popularity between TMNT and Sonic the Hedgehog. I think the rise of Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and Disney Channel inventing their own stuff during the 90s was the final movement that ushered people into greener fields.

Action requires budget, and budget requires merch sales. There were a lot of attempts at copying the popularity of TMNT, but the merch sales just weren't as good, so it fizzled-out as ROI decreased along with investor confidence.

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Return on Investment is the key word.

And this isn't unique to action genre, this is applicable to almost all cartoons.

Think of Nickelodeon, Nick destroyed any show that wasn't Spongebob - action, comedy, slice of life - in a self fulfilling destiny of failure because if a show wasn't instantly as popular Spongebob they would cut advertising budget, give it a terrible timeslot, cut budget and ultimately be cancelled.
This isn't because Spongebob was doing anything right, objectively the quality was in the toilet and focusing on Spongebob for a decade gradually strangled Nickelodeon. But since Spongebob had institutional backing - the best timesplot, tons of reruns, advertisements, tie in games and merch that got pushed on consumers and not shoved on a bottom shelf.

The same happened with Fox and the Simpsons.
Fox has green-lighted a ton of animated sitcoms with quality on par with modern Simpsons, but they all fail and Simpsons continues to be a billion dollar money pit because Simpsons has real institutional support and those other shows didn't.

Shareholders/Investors are kind of like scratch card lotto gamblers, they don't care about steady modest profits, or even long term good profits, they only want the jackpot. They pressure CEOs to only invest in what they think might give them the biggest short term profit, even though history has shown that often leads to ruin.

They aren't relatable.

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>we share the earth with """people""" like this

Maybe over-saturation, but I'd love for action cartoons for boys to just come back in general. Mighty Max, Biker Mice, Swat Kats, Gargoyles etc. Wheres the cool shit just for the sake of being cool? That's a big part of what made our 90s childhoods great! And I loved going to either KBToys or our dirty-ass K-Mart to get them toys! (Like the toy isles in K-Mart were just a fucking mess but they had a really good selection of toys)

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I don't want to live on this Earth anymore

Power Rangers becoming the most popular thing on tv in 1993 and taking over all the toy sales for years.

Everyone quit trying to make TMNT clones and started making Power Rangers clones in 95 through 99. Until everyone started making Pokemon clones after that.

Action is costly which doesn't mix with the style of cartoon that is just an elongated kids' toy commercial.
>slice of life
Do you have a definition for this genre that is applicable outside of Japan?

I am sure your definition of Slice of Life cartoon is different, but I assure you I could not care.

>Wheres the cool shit just for the sake of being cool?

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I think these guys are basically right. All of these shows, the good, the bad and those that fell in between were all born out of the desire to have "the next TMNT", and when the actual TMNT's cartoon ended and their popularity had declined for a while, people gave up on trying to come up with new copycat shows.

Also they'd started to run out of "cool" animals that easily translated to being turned into cartoon action heroes and were starting to move on to livestock.

>were starting to move on to livestock
Just say the Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa. We know that's what you mean.

I was thinking of them and the Cyboars, but not sure if they had a cartoon or if they were just toys. But with cows and pigs it was only a matter of time before we got a team of chickens.

Thing is that old Power Rangers aged liked yak milk

You want a good action cartoon? Make one with a videogame tie-in. If crap like Fortnite and Overwatch can sell action figures, and if fucking Cuphead, League of Legends, and Dota 2 can get cartoons long after they've stopped being relevant, then there's no reason a game can't do both. It'd be the childhood entertainment trifecta.

I never even heard of them.

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PR's case was mostly Saban trying to catch lightning twice in a bottle
Only real competitors trying to ride on the bandwagon were TTAFFBH and SSSS which were done by DiC (and only the former is entirely original)
Pokemon's case was the anime boom and how some shows like Cardcaptors were marketed more heavily as something for the gender neutral Pokemon audience with a catch em all motif and not well, a magical girl show
Were there any western attempts to cash in on the Mon craze?
Skannerz is the only one I can think of and it doesn't have a show or comic

It was on Kabillion

So you don't have one and you call everything one, righteo.

These characters should be role models of sorts. They need to be rad so kids would buy their toys.

Kids nowadays don't want to be buff and rad. They want to drink onions milk and yell on Twitter.

Honestly GI Joe could've had more survivability if it leaned harder into the FPS genre back when it was bigger. Rainbow Six Siege is GI Joe all but in fucking name at this point.

They're all too sexy
See Swat Kats for Proof

Toy sales.

Did some digging
You can watch 15 episodes here
What's weird is that the official website said they made 31

The weird part is that alot of these anthro shows (except SWAT Kats and maybe Road Rovers) aren't as big with furries as you'd think. With the amount of anthro designs TMNT has now you'd think fanart would be plentiful but it's like a droplet cause I'm 90% sure most furries don't read comics unless it's smut.

Snake Eyes got a skin in Fortnite to shill his movie and we don't have any other Joes or Cobra agents.
I would pay TOP DOLLAR for a Cobra Commander Skin.
I'm getting pretty tired of Marvel Stuff and I'd rather have some more GI Joe stuff. It it's culturally irrelevant.
Hasbro are absolute idiots for not being able to capitalize on the IP when it's such an easy layup.

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In Mexico that hand gesture means pussy.

Are there any western pokemon clones?

I never heard of that either.

I won't, but thanks for the offer.

Possibly. The biggest problem with that is the censorship. With robots you can decapitate them and not get censored. Shooters without violence are just weird.

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They tried. Like that Slugterra show or Monsuno.

Or Chaotic.

>Snake Eyes got a skin in Fortnite to shill his movie and we don't have any other Joes or Cobra agents.
Since they were also in that movie, how did they not also add at least one of Scarlett, Storm Shadow or the Baroness?

Chaotic is more of a Yu-Gi-Oh Clone but my point still stands

>Hasbro are absolute idiots for not being able to capitalize on the IP when it's such an easy layup.

Hasbro spent a fortune trying to make their IPs a thing. The fact that they failed (aside from Ponies and TFs) shows that nobody actually cares about the obscure ones like Inhumanoids/Rom/GI Joe.