Comic book chads... we lost

>“Politics in comics used to be subtle”

>No, it wasn’t. Comics have literally always been an obvious mouthpiece for political/social talking points of an era, from wartime propaganda to the effect of the AIDs epidemic in the 80s, you just say you don’t like it now because

>What someone really means when they say politics used to be “subtle” is that whatever particular bigoted ideals that person holds used to be a background topic that could be easily ignored. They miss the days where themes of feminism could fade into the back like most female characters did. They miss the days where black and other POC characters were smaller heroes who we got maybe one or two of in a comic at most, sure they’re there but all the other white people balance it out. Makes metaphors like the ones obvious in early X-titles easier to digest when, even though inspired by the civil rights movement, it’s all about white people who look just like the reader. They miss days where homosexuality was subtly inferred, not said and never proudly, they miss when those topics would crop up for an easily skip label stand-alone issue or where it would be a fairly inconsequential character that they were unlikely to run into unless they were looking for it.
>That’s all this “subtly” nonsense has ever ruly meant. It has always been shorthand for “I used to be able to ignore the specific things that make *me* uncomfortable”.
>They hate that today’s comics have made them face it. And that’s the exact long and short of it. Period.

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Faggots don't reproduce, niggers will die from disease, and women will die alone. Your woke civilization will be destined to ruin.

You will never be human

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Fuck off, woke shit like man hating feminism doesnt belong in comics


fuck you knew nothing good would come from your post and you posted it anyway.

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When people say keep politics out of [hobby] they mean corporate mandated virtue signalling.

realy want to use that argument?

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>opposing Nazis and not being racist and person being sick is a controversial political stance according to leftists

>two wartime comics

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You're a faggot, just like the rest of them.

comic books used to be written better, like a prose. it required intellect to write a satisfying comic. these days, most writers have add and are incapable of keeping the plot straight for more than one page and lack any creativity. it also doesnt help that artwork is as generic as it can be with awful unexciting panneling

>niggers will die from disease
Niggers will kill each other, then the rest will die from famine and disease.

Just because i hate feminist dykes doesnt mean i like stormshitters either. Fuck off newfag


Yes, comics have been used as propaganda by the state in the US from day 1.

Does that define American superhero comics? Yeah, a bit. Does that define a whole medium? No.


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also, modern comics dont touch the subject in any meanigful way other than superficial. there's no substance, its mostly le orange man bad, le natzees evul, le white chuds incels. stryker, for his evilness wasnt cartoonishly evil, it was a fleshed out character, not a joke without a punchline

even women are getting annoyed

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I agree, we should stop calling it "politics", and correctly label it marxist propaganda.

The politics told back then didn't get in the way of good storytelling and it didn't ruin established characters or characterization.

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lets not forget captain commie-smasher america
oh wait, thats been retconned, because only nazis evil, commies gud

Boy what a controversial stance they took by... punching Hitler?

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yeah, it's the only punching that americans did in WWII - through fictional character in a fictional story. too bad that irl usa did shit

fucking snap.

Calm down, Putinbot. I'm sure your mountain of corpses contributed too.

Comics were always political yes… but the difference is that they were so much more as well. Hulk wasn’t just fighting AIDS every issue, the X-Men weren’t just fighting mutant intolerance every fucking issue.

Hulk was also tossing Ferris wheels at the Abomination and ruling over a microscopic kingdom. The X-Men were fighting vampire dinosaurs and battling alien war races.

Comics today are dull AND political. That’s the difference. Comics were entertaining first and foremost and, at times, had something more meaningful to say. Comics now are a pulpit for Twitter-obsessed failed writers that think The Riddler represents repressed homosexuality or that Tigra encapsulates the traditional gender role of who fucking cares?! The Blob doesn’t represent body positivity. A black Flash doesn’t equal racial equity. Iceman suddenly wanting a bobsled team down his ice tube isn’t empowering.

It’s just ego stroking “artists” that are mentally incapable of succeeding outside the tiny niche failing market of comics.

>anyone I don't like is putinbot
how do I know that YOU are not a putinbot, putinbot?

>and women will die alone
They won't. There are still enough middle east countries that care about reproducing.

I wouldn't even call them political, they are just virtue signalling

OP, Any Forums cannot refute this. They'll just say it was somehow different when they did it 50 years ago compared to now. Same thing with darkie characters.

I think he meant western women, which is objectively true

It's been 2 years, and I don't understand what this tweet is trying to make