It's over, groomers

It's over, groomers.

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Based disney

Genuinely what else could be the allegory here, I simply don't get how this made it past the green light phase

what does it mean when the mom turns into a kaiju panda and her and her daughter fight as pandas in an anime battle sequence then her aunts and grandma turn into pandas to help each other
was that an allegory for incest orgy

Do they seriously refer to the girl's transformation as "her panda"? Wouldn't it make more sense to say "her panda form" or something like that?

>it's pretty obvious what a "panda" is
a panda

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The mom says she'll get worked up into a frenzy and "panda" all over the place if she goes to a boy band concert, kek.

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The implications are really creepy considering she's like 13 in the movie

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This movie is trying to destroy the youth

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The panda is actually an allegory for her period and going through puberty

Why did the mother not simply beat her daughter?

>they're all werepandas
So it's just Teen Wolf?

>4 ears

It's kinda weird that Any Forums constantly sexualizes children and children characters when sjws hate it and then all of a sudden cares about the sexualization of children characters in a kids movies when sjws like the movie.

It's almost like Any Forums doesn't actually give a shit about children and just uses them to further their own goals in the culture war

Disney is weird, man. Someone up top really wanted to see Rose Tico’s panda.

You don’t pay money to see a period user. It’s an allegory for a young woman’s sexuality and cunny.

Which isn’t as egregious if they just made her a senior in high school or some shit

Pretty much

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So kids pay money to see her period blood?

no she's a stripper

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There's a huge difference when anonymous nobodies on Any Forums do it and when large corporations like Disney/Pixar do it.

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Yeah there's a whole weird scene where kids are injecting it into them to become pandas too its pretty weird but maybe they were thinking it worked like vampire logic

Do someone really find this sexy and not just cute?

The panda is also red. Because puberty.
Jesus, this movie is disgusting.

You know girls going through puberty aren't like.... this pure little nuns right?

What's not to get?

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I thought it was an allegory for menopause

>group photos with a celebrity and tacky merchandise is now the same thing as whoring yourself out on onlyfans
The absolute state of anti-pedo seethers

>women become giant monsters when they "turn red"
Did NO ONE at Pixar realize the implications?

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People don't want to pay to see an annoying fuck on the screen. If Fred: The Movie came out in theaters, it would have been the lowest grossing movie of all time.

There's a spectrum of options between a nun and a bathroom whore.

Any Forums does it to fap in their intentionally un-PC club. Disney does it to unironically publicly diddle kids. Shut the fuck up retard.

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