Is it unpopular to say this show doesn't hold up super well?

Is it unpopular to say this show doesn't hold up super well?

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on Any Forums yeah.

I like the artstyle and Batman's voice a lot.

inferior to btas. doesnt need to exist.

nah it doesn't hit the same heights as BTAS but it has fewer shitty episodes than BTAS

Surprisingly, yeah. It got a lot of unnecessary flack for not being B:TAS, but it also has a lot of weaknesses.

I would argue the only Batman animated series besides BTAS that truly created something different enough to be worth existing is Brave and the Bold
That said, I liked a lot of the relatively fresh ideas they had for the characters. Harley being a reality TV pop sci psychologist makes way, way more sense than her having a PhD in clinical psychiatry. She's clearly meant to be an early twenties bimbo.

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Oh, that's also the best Harley design

nope, it's never been unpopular to be wrong on Any Forums

>I would argue the only Batman animated series besides BTAS that truly created something different enough to be worth existing is Brave and the Bold

I liked it

This series takes a while to get running but if you want to get to the very good stuff first to give yourself a reason to tune in you want to start with season 4 and 5. Ring toss, you want to watch everywhere man, the zombie episode, seconds there is so much good in this show.

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I liked the edginess and the designs.

Straight jacket Joker is fun.

I really liked this Bane.

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I liked that it was a more action focused Batman, and the designs were memorable, at least, but yeah, it's not as good as BTAS or Brave and the Bold.

As an adult this wasn't a fun rewatch cuz everyone was being chucked into Arkham. I really enjoyed Beware the Batman instead, everyone was chucked into Blackgate.

You can't blame it for having that 2000's artstyle everyone had it specially super heroes

it's a very solid show that was kind of limited by other shows in the last season they are trying to set up the justice league but they kinda end it there because DCAU is still going and it's honestly very difficult think about it

>You are living in the shadow of batman TAS
>You can't do league because JL and JLU are still a thing
>You can't be the cool new 2000's batman because batman beyond is the cool new batman

so you are just that bat show with cool ideas, it's probably why they went full silver age blue and grey bats on brave and bold it really allowed to be the greatest thing ever

at least it lasted longer than beware the batman and it even had that batman vs dracua movie, for it's time they really got the best possible result

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Any Forums here
I liked it

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>I really liked this Bane

why does he wear the mask? if i take it off, will he die?

Solid series with lots of good villains.
A shame they mostly stick just with the Penguin.
That guy really overstayed his welcome.

It would be very painful

FOR U!!!

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i really liked what they did with poison ivy, terrible trio, solomon grundy and some others. and the sidekicks were great. fun show

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