Why Spider-Man doesn't try to stop The Punisher?

Why Spider-Man doesn't try to stop The Punisher?

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go read punisher war zone

Same reason Spider-Man has things to do other than deal with drug mobsters, rapists, pedophiles, etc

He's got important shit to do like make sure lightning man doesn't rob a bank

He does, but Frank is a crafty son of a bitch and Spidey has bigger fish to fry then chasing around a murder hobo who knows how to avoid him.

I thought Spider-Man was considered a street level hero.

In general, Spider-Man can't stand the fact that Punisher kills bad guys, but often their team ups have them dealing with mass murdering assholes who make Peter reluctantly turn a blind eye towards Punisher killing the bad guys.

There are two types of Punisher/Spidey team-ups:

1. Punisher and Spidey fight someone who does such horrible things that Spidey reluctantly turns a blind eye when Frank kills the bad guy or offers some sort of excuse that Frank runs with to explain why he didn't stop him.

2. Frank bites off more than he can chew and gets the shit kicked out of him by a super-villain and has to be rescued by Spidey, meaning he can't kill the bad guy

It's a pretty dumb distinction in general given how incestuous Marvel is.
Spider-man regularly hobnobs with other heroes, has been on several major teams that handle things on international & interstellar scales, and has been focal in universe altering events.
The idea heroes are X-level rarely limits what they actually get involved in, even if they're one of the few cases that doesn't very frequently break out of their typical surroundings.
And even so, Frank isn't his only issue. It's probably more pressing to stop a gang of bank robbers who don't give a shit about innocent people than to waste time and effort trying to guess what pack of shitheels you'll be too late to save because Frank is on this side of the Hudson.

He does when the Punisher is around. But for the most part, the Punisher goes around the country murdering the worse of the worst that cops won't touch and who Spider-Man would turn into a pretzel if he watched the VHS tapes of Yugoslav brother and sister porn Frank has to watch.

Priorities. Lots of other bad guys on the list to take down before he has to start worrying about someone as inconsequential (to innocent civilians) as the Punisher. Arguably he should take down every supervillain and serial killer that goes after innocent people before he gets to the serial killer that only goes after violent criminal offenders that are out of the reach of the police.

Reminder that alt-right retards got the skull removed from Punisher.


Some people are even bitching about it now as well, because now it culturally appropriates Japan, that and it looks absolutely retarded. It's a real shame politics at all is involved in comics, regardless of side. Humans always have to ruin everything. I can't wait until someone bitches about Spider-Man wearing Red/Blue, which means he's a British Colonizer and supporter of Slavery or some insane shit.

ah yes normal people casually wearing a punisher shirt outside was the cause of it. not the vocal minority of NPC ideology-tards going on a schizo breakdown for no reason

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Lets be real, it was both sides. Lets not cut corners here, both sides are at fault entirely.


liberals are not leftists. liberals cancelling things does nothing to improve the material conditions of oppressed people, and liberals are still capitalists. they're both on the right

It's a dumb concept that restrict the kind of adventure a super hero can have.

Does this guy think those people read comics? It's just a cool military style skull

Yeah and Hitler was a socialist, so Nazis are actually on the left.

Punisher is more of a underground hero
Where Spider-man deals with Sandman and purse Snatchers
Punisher deals with Barracuda, Jigsaw, Human Traffickers and other degenerates

If Spider-Man did his fucking job and stopped criminals that would stop punisher

>it was both sides
How dies that make any sense? Other people being offended by a rightwing fag wearing the punisher shirt is not the fault of the person wearing the shirt.

All that really equates to is that Frank fights gangsters, which isn't unique to him, considering how many have fought the Maggia. The worst elements Frank fought are MAX only. Having little except gangsters post-Garth kind of is different but they're both primarily street-level. There's no such thing as "underground"

Spider-Man isn't a one-man SWAT team like Frank. He responds to people putting others' lives in danger. Punisher-only readers arr mentally ill. If *Frank* did his job he'd have no one left to kill.

He's like Batman where 99% of the time he overpowers millions of youths each year trying to get money from people with more money than them (their victims having no brains to keep it safe beyond some random God person stopping by) off-screen and .9% of the time going on some wacky space or jungle adventure featuring The Cameos and .1% of the time going beyond The One Above All level to fight gods before some universe and status quo reset to get issues sold.

Spider-Man is a bad if not unreliable Superhero and cant do his job unless he reacts to something he senses normally super powered goons or amatuer hiests and crimes that make a big scene(Even then he cant stop them all). The thousands of crimes that are low profile plus alot of crime underground are beyond him and he couldnt care less because hes too busy working a low wage job.

Duh he wanted free food, housing, and healthcare for the German people which meant doing the equivalent of a Middle East invasion to get what they need except with its neighboring countries who said Germany owed them billions in debt from WW1 and therefore restricted trade towards.