Kung Fu Panda 4

How much longer do we have to wait for more Kino Panda?

Can someone answer me?

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Please don't ruin this franchise even more.

These movies are trash. Po himself is the worst part of the films since he masters everything without really trying and I hate his obnoxious Jack Black personality because the character gets way too arrogant with the exception of Shen because he killed his mother. But Lung and Kai? Po got arrogant almost as if he's self aware he's going to win because it's a stupid badly written trash movie. Kung Fu Panda is a ridiculous and stupid concept for a film series and the Furious Five should have been killed off given they never matter. Not in movies and not even in the multiple series. No one cares about them except Tigress for obligatory off model porn (and on model porn for the minority of masturbators who like Tigress looking like a man). What a terrible unfunny joke of a goddamn movie series. At least with Ice Age there is no reason to have expectations since it's a comedy, but Kung Fu Panda expects you to take the drama seriously and it's dumb. Dumber than even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

There will be no more. It's over, pandabros. Completely over. No return.

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Not sure if pasta, but agreed.

At least the Ninja Turtles aren't obese and that's the thing hurting Kung Fu Panda, if Po was a sumo type of fighter great, but he's basically character more acrobatic than freaking Dick Grayson from Batman while being obese. Even for a cartoon that's ridiculous and yeah they do expect us to take Po seriously as a warrior.

>panda 4
why? 3 was so shit because they had no idea what to do , they only have the spirit part

Panda kino ended at 2. Everything after that is rot.

Now that they have chi they can move on from the dragon ball trilogy and do a new dbz trilogy

It kind of seems like their ideas end up going to TV instead.
They did a Prime show going into the lore of why Pandas were special (The Hidden Panda Village exists to hide the Wellspring from which all chi in the universe flows from) and now there's going to be a new Netflix show.
Maybe if Puss in Boots 2 does well they'll get back into the momentum of trying out their old franchises.

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4 ain't happening. 3 was the worse one. 2 was pure kino.

3 was really bad, and I'm not interested in a 4th

i hated 2. It tried too hard to be dark and justify its existence, plus the pacing was sloppy. Couldn't bring myself to care for anything that happened in it

KP2 was one of the worst movies ever made
They should have never made any sequel

I couldn't get into Legends of Awesomeness. It felt too Villain of the Week for me to enjoy and the visuals aged like milk. Paws of Destiny surprised me in having a tone closer to the movies, though I was bummed by the focus on the other pandas, an aspect I didn't care about in the third movie.

Dragon Knight might be promising. Besides Jack Black coming back, the buddy comedy aspect seems appealing and it seems it'll get away from the Panda Village. Plus one of the Kipo showrunners is working on it and he said it would be less light-hearted than 3.

Panda 2 reminded me of a mid 00s 3D Sonic game (talking colorful animals mixed with an edgy dark story, bleak visuals, tragic backstories and a few deaths) I didn't like it at all

>less lighthearted than 3

Oooo, really now? That's actually promising, do you happen to have a link to where he said this?

I just watched 3 yesterday.
Why don't people like it? I thought it was okay and just had more jokes than the previous ones, then again I haven't watched 1 and 2 in years.

>Why don't people like it?
Edgelords who wanted it to stay like 2

for the love of god no JUST dont make more sequels 1 and 2 were great 3 was shit

the trilogy is already perfect, a 4th would not add anything

and also KFP>Shrek>HTTYD

Eh, the panda village dragged on a lot. It was a serviceable movie but some of the jokes fell flat or were overdone like Kai not being remembered at all, or introducing a joke when something interesting happened.