How would you improve Turning Red? I was expecting to hate it, and I mostly did. But I actually really liked Ming...

How would you improve Turning Red? I was expecting to hate it, and I mostly did. But I actually really liked Ming. Visually she reminds me of the beautiful North Korean tour guides

Maybe it awakened some weird mommy thing I have, I don't know. She deserves a better daughter.

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>How would you improve Turning Red?
Start by getting rid of the bean mouths

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Tyler did nothing wrong

The mom wins and the girls are punished because of their rebel acts, then at least would've a fucking message.

Obey your parents isn't a message nu-Disney wants to get behind

Will faggots like you just shut up about Turning Red already?
You're just a fascist, shut up.

>You're just a fascist
Well I mean yeah, but that's not what this thread is about

You haven't read a single book in your entire life, it shows when you call someone a fascist basing purely in things like misogyny or racism.

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Ming is the only one who isn't suffering from severe bean mouth syndrome

Fascism is good actually

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I've seen the shit people mad at Turning Red have been saying. I can tell this is an excuse to post more far-right ramblings about how "WOMEN BAD", "LEFTISTS BAD" and "NEVER TURN TO WOKE MEDIA".

You'll never make your own cartoon.

I'm not far right and support all the quotes you said

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>5 members

Reminds of a band from Poland named "Just 5".

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I liked turning red but I really don't like the people who made it from the look at them in the behind the scenes feature on Disney+.

"You'll never make your own cartoon"
Like I want to involve myself in an industry infested with the likes of you

You sound pretty far-right.
I'd rather see a bunch of woke media (Not what Disney is doing if they can't bring themselves to show same sex kissing in most films) than a bunch of samey CGI films we got for decades.

>You sound pretty far-right.
Thanks I guess.

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If you legitimately believe women are bad, start re-evaluating your life immediately.

Women are essential to society, stop projecting your insecurities on real men user.

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Where do you stand on Turning Red?
Me personally, I wish Disney wasn't the ones producing it so I would be able to watch it and support the people that animated it and wrote it.
>It's mostly me waiting for an apology from Disney for filming the Mulan remake in Xianjiang

Man, I wish I could have a say in the animation industry.
I could request better pay for the animators and more stuff me and millions of other people would watch.
If I worked in the animation industry, there might exist something like a Mexican-American take on The Sword and the Sorcerer already.

Trash movie, but Brave still is worst Pixar original's one.

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Get rid of the fucking Panda and make it a straightforward coming of age story.

Disney has been subverting parental authority for decades, user. Name a Disney parent who isn't:
1. Dead for at least 90% of the movie.
2. An overbearing tyrant against whom rebellion is justified.
3. A weak fat little joke unworthy of respect.
4. Totally irrelevant to the plot.
The number of parents who don't fit these molds, where the protagonist is made to regret rebelling against them, are very few.

May I ask why the anime girl pictures on a comics and cartoons board?

That's why you practice with Blender (Grease Pencil tool), Krita, or OpenToonz and then find a small team online. Don't mingle with "them"; make your own stuff, anyway.