The Disney kikes took this from us

We must boycott Disney. NOW.

Attached: Thieflogo.png (721x312, 239K)

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Nope, this is a rip-off from Disney's Aladdin.

Attached: EUFRkw-XYAAy3hi.jpg (933x933, 98.42K)

thief and the cobbler predates aladdin

ok #boycottdontsaygay faggot

this film had revolutionary animation
look at this

Attached: no computers were used to animate this.webm (520x292, 2.45M)

No they didn't. Allied Filmmakers did.
All disney did was distrubute what was left of the burning wreck under Miramax. Without disney the film wouldn't have even been released in the US and you'd never have even heard of it without them.

yes but disney was afraid that williams had better animation than them so they made aladdin and then sabotaged the production between williams and warner bros.

Psh are you serious?
That's a bold face lie especially give Cobbler's long and troubled production history. Disney didn't kill this film they weren't even remotely involved with its production. If you're gonna shit on disney do it for the many many right reasons you can pick. Don't just make shit up because you have a hate boner.

meh story

i dont have a hate boner, disney became a corporate machine after walt died, they have this mentality of "nobody can animate better than us" "only disney can make the highest quality animated movies"

I'm gonna be completely honest. While it looked technically phenomenal, I probably wouldn't have seen it regardless.

oh yes you would. everyone would be talking about it on the news! you would be stunned by what you saw. the best part is that once the movie comes out, all animated movies will become smooth!

>they have this mentality of "nobody can animate better than us"
Which is why they moved the animation studio off of Disney's main hollywood lot and almost closed it down permanently in the early 80's during Cobbler's production...
Bitch at least learn the history of the company before you make further audacious claims.

okay then,
which looked better?

this sequence from The Thief and the Cobbler that was animated back in 1978?

or The Fox and the Hound, 1981?

Fact is regardless of wether or not it would be a marvel of animation, the movie's plot made absolutely no fucking sense.

yes it did!

Attached: kamala harris and joe biden.png (1778x803, 863.41K)

Why does that matter?

Your statement is that Disney sabotaged Cobbler's production because they didn't want it to outperform their own animated films. But there is NO EVIDENCE of this. You're making random conjectures. There's no reason to come to your conclusion because Disney didn't see Animation as profitable at the time of Cobbler's production, they had no involvement in Cobbler's production, and Cobbler was an independent animated production in a foriegn nation. How in the world are getting this idea that Disney sabotaged it's production? Where's you proof? Don't just tell me how you feel or show me random clips. Show me undeniable proof of Disney cutting the film's funds or Disney attmepting to block its release. Good luck doing that since Disney was the one that got the film released in the US.

they attempted to block its release with ALADDIN
if Aladdin exists, then thief cant play in theatres without people thinking its an Aladdin knockoff.

>they attempted to block its release with ALADDIN
user cobbler was still having animation work done in 1993 to get it completed. That's months after Aladdin's release. How did they block Cobbler's release if the film wasn't even done yet?

I'm still pretty cross ever since I learned about that Kimba mess.

they blocked it with aladdin and then warner bros pulled the plug on the movie, it was finished quickly with shitty animation on purpose and then released in south africa and australia, disney didnt want it to succeed so they bought the distribution rights and then barely put it in theatres, after destroying what was left of the film after calvert finished it.

Hey kiddo, you just found out about this today? Wild, man. That's wild.

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