2022.... I.... Am.... Forgotten

>2022.... I.... Am.... Forgotten....
Turns out when your movie is 98% nostalgia bait it's not very memorable. No one is ever nostalgic for nostalgia.

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This cope is never going to hold up user

Is it even a cope if it's true? No one cares about or talks about this movie anymore. Like I said, when your movie is based solely on nostalgia, people won't be nostalgic for it.

>and the cope keeps coming and it wont stop coming

You're literally coping over the fact that this movie isn't memorable and only existed as a short term cash grab. Not even you will rewatch this movie because the novelty of the returning characters has already worn off and all that's left is a bad spiderman movie.

I unironically will remember the movie for its ending than any other epic cameo

I’ve had issues with Holland in the past but his sacrifice was legit memorable and nice to see

The ending was probably one of the few genuinely only good parts, aside from Willem Dafoe, because it soft reboots Spiderman and undos all the retarded shit set up by his trilogy.

Hello sir! Good morning!

Far more memorable than the collective delusion that were the last two shitty Avengers movies.

Even though I'm still not a fan of the fabric seeing this shot of him about to step out of the apartment wearing the classic suit was a fucking delight

Attached: 1633120202383.jpg (1920x800, 113.47K)

Everyone is talking about it though? Especially since it got released digitally and has clips on YouTube.

I forgot this movie even existed until Full Fat uploaded this.


Thread is just a false flag to make the critics look like delusional contrarians

OP here. I'm dead serious. Once everyone saw Tobey and Andrew they stopped caring about this movie because that's all it had to offer.

Like most of the recent marvel things, the cracks in the writing became more apparent with hype fading, and so it was swept under the rug so consumers don't have to admit the nonsensical plot

Speak for yourself it's a kino Spider-Man story that used those characters in service of it's own story

Marvel movies are very much consoomer products. You consoom and get hyped for the next one. Don't bother thinking too much about the last one, it's probably not classic. This isn't a bad thing, but it's like Game of Thrones, especially after it got super popular. No matter the mediocrity as we look back on it, watching it was a huge social experience that many people enjoyed and that's fine.

Most people saw it when it came out in theaters you dumb DCuck, only mega NEETs and karens scared of the coof care about a digital release.

How? Sandman and Electro were useless. The movie would've genuinely been better without them. Hell even Ock was kinda shit. None of these villains really did anything for the movie except push the plot forward and have the audience go "I MEMBA THEM!!!"

Even Tobey and Andrew were only in the movie to represent both potential paths of Spidermen to service a character arc that has already been explored in the LAST TWO MOVIES.

Yes and most people saw Spiderman 2 in theaters too and it's 100x more memorable and discussed than this movie.
Kill yourself corporate warrior.

I honestly enjoyed it more than spiderverse, that shit is overrated as fuck

How can you have such wrong opinions? At least Spiderverse had substance and soul. It had actually good visuals to draw audiences in. How did NHW draw audiences in? Fucking member berries.