People complained about the ending SQUID getting changed to Manhattan

>people complained about the ending SQUID getting changed to Manhattan
>within 10 years, evil superman is so popular a concept it overtakes normal superman

Doesn’t that mean Snyder accurately reflected and parodied our own pop culture by letting Manhattan be the “evil superman” that agrees to play the villain to unite humanity?

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>adapts other characters from literature to the funny pages

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So when did LXG get sanctioned as an officially canon adaption?

How about when he was sued by the owner of Peter Pan because he used Wendy from it in his pornographic comic Lost Girls. Great Ormond Street Hospital owned the copyright and he used it anyway

yes, because snyder is unironically smarter than most comic book writers, and especially more so than most comic book fans.

They only owned the copyright in Europe and that lapsed like a year or two after that was published.

gee, I wonder who is behind this post...

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I dont know about that, but the giant squid was changed to dr. manhattan to be easier to digest for normies (giant gmo squid was one of the more comic booky elements), so the idea that the concept that was deemed normie friendly is still normie friendly makes sence.

Ah, so he skirted the spirit of the agreement with a loophole. I thought he was against that whole thing after complaining DC followed the contract he signed over watchmen

It really didn't have much build up in the comic anyway.

>bubastis to show genetically engineered creature
>minor missing scientists and artists subplot
>two pages total showing the actual scientists in the last issue
>establishing that PSYCHICS ARE REAL entirely in the extra materials section. Because the ending relies on Ozymandias taking a human psychics brain and putting it in the squid

>let's completely misconstrue what someone said to make him look bad
At least mock him for his real ideas, like writing Lost Girls or the fish rape.

>evil Superman is so popular a concept it overtakes normal Superman
got numbers to back that up or you just talking out your ass to give your thread attention?

Is this the Zack Snyder shitpost thread?

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He literally said watchmen shouldn’t be adapted because it was specifically made for the medium of comics

What loophole? He simply didn't publish Lost Girls in Europe until a couple years later because Peter Pan unnaturally had its copyright extended there, it didn't prevent the Great Ormond Street Hospital from doing whatever they wanted with the character until the copyright expired either. Not to mention the copyright extension in the 80s didn't give them the same amount of control as a regular copyright did since it was more about play performances. I know it's difficult for you to comprehend Pajeet but not all legal disagreements are the same.

>the boys

Considering all his movie adaptions have been absolute dogshit how is he wrong?

Incorrect. Watchmen was kino

>movie starts with a geriatric old man punching through brick walls in a flashy action sequence
It's an absolutely shit adaptation that completely misses the point of the original story not having superpowered individuals beyond Manhattan. Even LXG was a better adaptation because at least it didn't completely misunderstand the meaning of the original.

Watchmen is a dissection of superhero comics. Adapting it to movies removed the superhero comics part that's vital to the whole purpose of the story. Are you really so much of a brainlet that you don't see a difference between that and turning a novel that is not written to play with novel conventions and dissect them into a movie? Or adapting a musical into a comic? Sometimes things really shouldn't be adapted to a different medium because it'll lose all relevance and be nothing but its story.

Watchmen the comic will always be an award-winning mirror held up to comics and the social/political atmosphere of doom when it was created. Watchmen the movie will never be more than just another superhero movie that doesn't even make sense by the end.

Whoa now, the Watchmen movie was shit but that doesn't make LXG a better adaption by any means either.

no because he had no understanding of how the cold war worked, how dr manhattan's powered worked, or how Veidt's plan to unite humanity worked.

I don't know, man. LoEG was about extraordinary individuals from literature coming together to protect the British Empire. Watchmen was about ordinary people dressing up in costumes and trying to solve sociopolitical problems by beating people up, while the only one with actual superpowers ultimately has no effect on the world and Veidt has to create a completely alien threat to unite everyone behind. In LXG you still get extraordinary individuals coming together to protect the British Empire, with the worst change being to turn Mina into some generic vampire thot instead of the organising character that actually fits with how she was portrayed in Dracula, while in Watchmen the ordinary people are now superheroes breaking arms/walls with ease or sending people flying through the air with a kick, and the whole plan hinges on framing the superpowered guy and changing the world through fear of God, even though it'd make no sense for that to happen in the world established by the movie.

I'd say LXG actually understood the spirit of the original better than Watchmen did. They changed the details of the story too much, while Watchmen kept most of the details but warped them and fucked up the spirit.