Sentinels get used by Hellfire Club

>Sentinels get used by Hellfire Club
>Somehow, Shaw and Emma Frost are both allowed to be on Krakoa's quiet council despite this
>Cassandra Nova kills millions of mutants in Genosha with Sentinels
>Somehow, all of these deaths are blamed on Bolivar Trask (even though he sacrificed his life multiple times to help mutants) and Cassandra is allowed on the Marauders
>Magneto has a ton of war crimes and attempted genocides under his belt
>Somehow he's allowed to be one of Krakoa's leaders and all crimes are wiped clean
>Nature Girl kills a ton of wagies
>Is about to be sent to the Krakoa vore pit but gets let off the hook and is allowed to kill even more
>Mister Sinister worked with the fucking Nazis, ran his own concentration camp (where Magneto was at, by the way), and experimented on tons of mutants
>Gets allowed to run off scot free on Krakoa
At this point I'm just gonna say that Marvel civvies are 100% justified in how they act.

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Their temperament is justified, yes. But forming lynch mobs to attack random mutants and the like doesn't really help their situation.

If only they could direct their wrath more effectively.

>>Nature Girl kills a ton of wagies
>>Is about to be sent to the Krakoa vore pit but gets let off the hook and is allowed to kill even more

how did she avoid the pit, but 5 randos and sabretooth make the cut? at least sabretooth killed mercenaries

>Cassandra is allowed on the Marauders
Lmao what

honestly the mutant hypocrisy regarding cassandra and wanda is pretty crazy. cassandra actually put up huge mutant death scores, and wanda didnt, yet they turned wanda into the boogeyman, and not a peep about the nightmare walking among them?

As someone who's never read an X-Man book, I'm getting the impression that the Mutants are some pretty big hypocrites right now.

fuck mutants then kill them

The X-Men had too many writers doubling back on things to make them outright stupid. Mr Sinister running a 1940's Nazi death camp, just leaps out of the original post. There was no reason to put Sinister, a Englishman and a English loyalist, in that place and time, at that time and place, no matter how much the writers wanted to push Sinister as a villain, or Magneto as a sympathetic character.

Yup. I Only watched the cartoon where there was this scene where the Sentinels are about to fuck up everything and the X men have to fight them. The human researcher asks the big leader Sentinel why they are fucking up everyone even though they were only designed to fight mutants. The leader responds something along the lines of "that’s illogical since mutants are human". The lesson here was that mutants are just humans with powers and making robots to eradicate them is dumb since the robots obviously wouldn’t see a meaningful difference between the two. I guess In the comics that lesson just gets thrown into the trash can since now mutants are considered a different species and are supermacist as fuck. It feels like character assassination except instead of just one character it’s all of them.

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I'm honestly really hoping the MCU does not have X-Men saying that mutants are a separate species.

I have just the page for this thread.

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One-Dimensional Cyclops Only Wants One Thing
And It/s Fuckin Disgusting

>New X-Men

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they have to for toy imports fees

I can't remember who said it but mutants operate on the logic
>when I am weak I ask for mercy, because that is your principle
>when I am strong I show no mercy, because that is my principle
Fuck muties and fuck the writers who made them into national socialist germans and then justify it.

Honestly I want him on the next Unity Squad to so get he's less 1 dimensional at the time as a child with the champions.

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Mutants are 100% the worst enemy of mutants

Bias and Prejudice between groups can be a group's Own Worst Enemy . Sometimes even among its greatest heroes.

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Not for the last 10+ years. At best they're anti-villains.


You need to understand, comic writers run on the same retarded logic as Steven Universe's where anyone can be redeemed, no matter the kill count.
Just look at how Harley, Poison Ivy, whatever have been treated recently, as though they were heroes instead of murderers.

It's really funny how it's the one branded with a M that still believe in the dream.

Muties are their own worst enemy.
Magneto, Namor, etc are heavily responsible for the negative rep they get.

What happened to my fictional mutant family members support thread?