Inside out came out 7 years ago

>Inside out came out 7 years ago

Attached: MV5BMjAyNDg5MjEwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODQyNDM5NTE@._V1_.jpg (1920x1080, 108.63K)

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When I farted just now I took a big sniff and imagined it was Disgust's fart.

Thanks for sharing user


>Inside out came out 7 years ago

Attached: D2227396-0177-4BA6-B1DC-6AD7AC43D2E3.jpg (620x500, 66.15K)

And yet it seems like I delivered a Joy request just days ago.

This was the first movie I saw by myself in theaters

How was it? I can imagine that the kids were annoying

I remember I saw it late on a weeknight and no kids were there

So where is all the Disgust porn?

I would die for Riley.

Attached: 1526319597626.jpg (512x720, 102.15K)

Me and my old friend bonded a lot over it, we used to draw Joy getting fucked.



Post non-lewd Rileys, please.

Yeah, Pixar has been making bad films for a long time. In fact, the last good Pixar movie came out 7 years before this one. Zoomers still like to defend them, though.

Attached: 3al8cc.jpg (769x600, 36.93K)

Attached: neti pot.jpg (625x393, 84.28K)


It's hard to think of the last good Pixar film. At least Disney had Encanto