Discover a great artist or webcomic

>discover a great artist or webcomic
>right as they're in the middle of a mental breakdown and about to disappear forever
Every fucking time.

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Guy that did Rosianna Rabbit. Then the guy that did Miss Meelee.

Artbros why are we like this
I always have the feeling of wanting to delete my shit and erase everything because it's cringe. But I stop when I remember it's practically expected of artists to be this weird and mental "out of nowhere", so I end up just faking being fine all the time because I don't want to play into that even more.

Don't erase shit, because it won't change the fact that it happened and will only hurt the people who actually do enjoy it. Leave it up and move on to something else.

>Rosiana Rabbit
Ugh why is it the actually funny webcomic guys are always mentally ill? Meanwhile Jeff Buckley and Penny Arcade are boring normies with 10,000 strips.

I had this phase except it was music artists. It was like I'd add one of their songs to one of my playlists and they'd just keel over within a couple of months.

That's what I tell myself, though it gets hard to cope when I can't see a response to something I made so I start cringing out of my skin. Logically I know that there's probably nothing wrong, but emotionally(?) I guess the act of making art feels personal enough that I unnecessarily worry about how it's being perceived all the time.
Sometimes I do wish people who like something would leave a presence with a comment and whatnot, just so the creator knows there's someone out there enjoying it so they would be less inclined to remove it.

>Guy that did Rosianna Rabbit
Don’t think it was for any mental reasons, the dude just got a job and abandoned the comic

Scoob and Shag? they guy posted a short chapter last month when he only posted 4 chapter last year and he still has 700 patreons

It hurts.

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What if the people who praise your art are cringe af? Does it make it better or worse?

kinda describes how alot of my favorite web comics ended, now that I think of it

>in the middle of a mental breakdown and about to disappear forever
It's more like they just stop giving a shit about the work they do and try to move on in the most attention whorish way possible.

>discover a great artist or webcomic
>artist suddenly ruins his/her own work by retcon or killing off a major character at some point because of some petty bullshit
95% of current webcomics.

WHEN THE FUCK WILL Hooves of Death return? It isn't even that good, but goddamnit I want to know the ending.

(OP) #
If people were willing to actually support artists this wouldn't happen so often. So long as they go "I won't pay for digital art I'll just find it online" it'll keep happening and their search will get more difficult.
That's the most selfish take you could possibly make, expected in threads like this.
Who cares. Normal people don't give up on people just because their content output gets lower

>discover a great artist or webcomic
>they troon out

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The ability to see the world in unique and compelling ways is usually paired with an inability to be normal.

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I don't know what makes someone cringe but regardless, I don't think I have a reason to be picky. I did have vastly different kind of people read my work at one point, and I felt that I'm just happy if I know someone appreciated what I made.
Once I found a fujoshi who shipped characters I made, and I got uncomfortable but a part of me was still happy about being appreciated, even though it felt like it was done in a "wrong" unintended way.

Didn't that happen to the dude who made Mega Tokyo? Because calling that a great webcomic is really pushing it.