Gunnerkrigg Court

Chapter 84: Page 21

Forward and improper.

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That sly dog!

Annie looks thirsty today

Annie's always thirsty.

Tom wtf is that shadding


How the hell would either Coyote or Ysengrin have a problem with males taking advantage of females? Since when do they have a modern human moral compass?

Because it's not Coyote, Ysengrin or even Loup.
It's Jerrek.

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They've become domesticated, and dogs are protective.

They clearly don't, which is why they are now lying and taking advantage of annie so they can knot her.

Ysengrin is a possessive dad figure, so yeah he would protect his property like that

It really makes me sad that Tom hasn't improved at all in 10 years.

He shows off properly in the treatises but he hasn't really done those in a while

Also Lana is a slut

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"just draw bro" doesn't really work, you need specific study, not work content. webcomics artist all freeze their level when they push more than one page a week.

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This. There is no way for Tom to improve. It's not his fault.
Think about it as if you were training at the gym 8 hours a day without eating or resting properly.
It's just impossible to make significant progress that way.

>Think about it as if you were training at the gym 8 hours a day without eating or resting properly.
>It's just impossible to make significant progress that way.

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Building muscle, I mean.
You can stay fit of course.
Just like Tom is staying at the same level.
He may be getting more efficient, but he's not becoming DaVinci this way. No one could. It's just not a good way to improve.

If anything, improvement and higher standards can be counter-productive. Many webcomics fall into hiatus hell because they kept increasing the workload and there's only so many hours in a day.

Any Forums analogies are more retarded than car and food analogies

drawing is literally a physical skill though.

At this point what analogies are accepted?