Why was it cut?

Why was it cut?

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People were probably scared it would like a school shooter or something. Idk I don't know the context enough to actually say

My best guess it was too political or was out of place for the film

Doesn't match the overall message. Too political. Probably made the MC and her friends appear to be uppity assholes to the general student population. All we needed was the mom using deforestation as a trigger for a panda to show she cares about the environment.

snider cut when?

This is possibly the first Pixar that couldn’t even watch in full in how fucking cringe and god awful it was. I never seen such blatant disregard of standards and expectations in which the same company set literally a decade ago. Onward was the last Pixar movie I watched from beginning to end without feeling once it sucked. It wasn’t a masterpiece but it still an enjoyable film. Soul and Luca didn’t really interest me in the sense that they don’t look anything groundbreaking or new. Not to say they are bad films, but they never captured the interest I wanted.

But Turning Red is the first movie from Pixar to make me physical walk out on how shitty it was. The animation looks so cheap and plastic feeling that it was probably off-sourced to the same fuckers who made the GrubHub commercial. The main character isn’t likable and funny. She’s feels like a 2020s zoomer was sudden transported into the early 2000s. The entire story is one big allegory for periods and not to mention the coomer tier writing in which she twerks right in front of her mother in her giant red panda form. And to top it all off she’s a fucking leaf.

The only thing positive that ever came out of this movie was her extremely attractive mother.

China doesn't want to remind its people of the terrible pollution problem in their country

>Didn't even watched it
Opinion discarded

I watched it, and din't pay for it, and I agree with him.

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>not to mention the coomer tier writing in which she twerks right in front of her mother in her giant red panda form
>The only thing positive that ever came out of this movie was her extremely attractive mother.
trash opinion

what are they protesting?

Chinese market

>you can't talk if you didn't pay first!
>lol you paid for it and you complain NOW? chud contrarian don't count lol
this is your state of mind, all day every day.

>Red panda
>panda bear
>red bear
>red shirt bear
>yellow bear with red shirt

in the early 2000... probably complains about cfc and the upcomming global cooling

This cut scene was meant to establish Mei’s caring about the environment as one of her school hobbies

>Complains about coomer writing
>only positive comment about movie is coomer shit
kys coomerfaggot


Take your meds

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I ain't reading your blog shit, faggot. Sumerize it in 10 words or less, you ape