Be me

> Be me
> Find great web series called Helluva Boss
> commence le binge watch
> Show's amazing, so are the protagonists
>villains are pretty good, none of them are shockingly good
>get to episode four
> Upon finishing It and continuing with the series none of the current antagonists match the same quality as the three main villains of episode four
> oh well.JPG
>show's still great
> upon finishing begin Interacting with the fandom
> very few talk about those three
> MF
> they're the most hated antagonists

Any Forums what do? Am I stupid or Is everyone else just blind to their greatness

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Kill yourself

You actually got me at the end. Damn you.

I never see people hating on them.

GOD i love this SHEEP

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don't ask too many questions

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It's been a whole year...

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why do they don't look like this?

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The wheels of flaming eyes and bullshit like that are canonically (like, Biblical Canon) reserved for the angels in the First Sphere like Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. Pretty much everything from the Second Sphere down are humanoid

it starts with


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Hey, don't go posting weird fetish porn of Deerie.

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Colloona 4 lyfe.

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wow user, it's been awhile since i've seen something on this god forsaken site

well that explains why the sodomites wanted to fuck them

Post more Deerie

So are we never going to see the scrapped lion cherub?

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