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>Turning Red causing faux outrage because one reviewer said "meh"



He's back?
He's right for once, minus the fact that nobody's complaining about the fact that the lead's asian?

Obviously people saying this is unrelated are doin so for gender reasons and saying it has anything to do with race is just dumb.

The blue faggot bear will leave his cave forever

is this an edit or did dobson come back? A little part of me wished he had left to actually enjoy life

you can easily spin this back at minorities but heaven forbid you do for whatever "ist" or 'phobic" they make up next

The only bad thing about this was how ungodly ugly the art style is. Like, I cant even look at it.

>Leaving a huge internet fame behind
You'd have to truly be a retard to do this. I would never.

probably an edit, like people obsessed with shadman or chris chan, they have to keep the discussion going some how.

An edit the original was about Black Panther and horse show instead

Well Any Forums? What do you have to say for yourself?

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Is shad really in jail too? It'd be a funny coincidence if they both ended up imprisoned at the same time because of their fucked up autism.

Shad's be out on bail a long time now. But like any sort of meme, it's gotta be parroted over and over to keep the fun and discussion going.

I love that argument because it destroys their own representation agenda.
>if you can identify with an animal then you can identify with a girl! Or even a gay!
Okay then a gay can identify with a straight white male
hee hee

Well I think that kids an asshole for picking on some bald fat kid. What a dick.

why can't black people stop attacking and killing Asians in the metropolitan area?

I'm not attacking or killing Asians.

>oh you have social anxiety? god you're so full of yourself
horrid take

>Obviously people saying this is unrelated are doing so for gender reasons and saying it has anything to do with race is just dumb
is this what gaslighting looks like?

Too bad, I was having fun imagining them as cellmates in a terrible sitcom.

>not wanting people to treat you bad is ego
Damn, bros...

thats the real irony of this cartoon edits

>He's right for once, minus the fact that nobody's complaining about the fact that the lead's asian?
Its just Twitter slacktivists and self righteous college kids trying to find a reason as to why any person could ever possibly have some aversion to this movie with somewhat iffy writing, unappealing character designs, and slightly taboo subject matter. Their answer to this aversion, just like always, is that people are just racist and sexist incel-bigots who hate women.

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Heh. You just think you deserve not to be treated bad. Fucking egotist.

I'm glad Dobson actually just said "fuck the internet" and is hopefully improving his life. He made a good choice and it takes discipline to stick to it.

I’m sorry, user. It’s an edit.

>Human being
That's a stretch