Does your OC have drip?

Post a picture or physical description of your co OC and others in this thread will determine if they have drip or not

Attached: 2B7C1B91-5FA7-498D-B8F5-F3EEA27B1198.jpg (600x766, 52.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Orange chinese dragoness kinda like Sisu but less furry and wearing a flowery vest

Are any of us remotely qualified to talk about fashion? Also bump.

Describe the vest. It will solely determine her drip status

Sure why not

Attached: fist and joy.jpg (1600x1200, 536.61K)

Shirtless with Jnco jeans

Attached: unknown-2.png (1920x1040, 651.1K)

Not right now, but hopefully she’ll one day be wearing something like a flapper dress from the 20’s

Attached: CB5633C5-2D01-4FD6-ADF9-873EB4774F8B.jpg (2268x2750, 1.04M)

No drip.
Left would have been soaking in drip 15 years ago. Right’s drip is timeless.
No drip.

No drip
Future drip

>Left would have been soaking in drip 15 years ago. Right’s drip is timeless.
Thanks. For left I'm gonna add a plaid jacket she'd keep around her waist like picrel

Attached: MV5BYzlhMjllZjUtZDg0My00ZjVkLWFhMDUtODMyZTFkNjE5ZDdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MzI5MjM@._V1_.jpg (1550x2211, 1.62M)

Mine’s not too short or tall, she has somewhat short brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail, pretty pale skin, and grey eyes
She usually just wears a purple hoodie with a black or white shirt underneath, rectangular glasses, jeans or sweatpants, and some form of practical shoes
She’s a shy and tired 19 year old college student

Idk what drip is but he's got her dripping wet

Attached: unknown (2) (18).png (769x1235, 1.08M)

Nice. But he does look pretty drippy

Honestly good choice. What color?

Attached: Screenshot_20220315-151401.png (720x1031, 430.78K)

Attached: Screenshot_20210903-235402.png (679x547, 534.65K)

>looks like a yug0 drawing
Yes very drip

I was thinking a deep red to compliment her skin

>looks like a yug0 drawing
That's the first time someone has said that my art looks like Yu-Gi-Oh drawing

Attached: IMG_20220227_004011432.jpg (3120x4160, 2M)

She's wearing this btw

Attached: Screenshot_20220119-014020.png (720x899, 802.42K)

I was referring to this artist:

What she's wearing in this image
Same character btw, the yellow one outfit was drawn last year apologies they do have a cool style, so thank you

Attached: Screenshot_20210329-232705.png (720x1512, 1.06M)