Why is Vivziepop's English so bad? Whenever she tweets or writes something...

Why is Vivziepop's English so bad? Whenever she tweets or writes something, it's inevitable that you'll find a ton of grammar and spelling mistakes.
I understand that English is not her first language since she's Salvadorean, but you'd think she would improve by now.
Also, I've heard news about some Hazbin redesigns?

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autistic people can't into language, even if they're native

The most news I heard about Hazbins' redesigns is Charlie and from the way I see it, Alastor might be coming up next? (I just ended up googling it so). And to be honest, I've seen native people have the most outrageous misspellings in English, so non-natives being able to write in English is already an achievement.

regardless of whether you're autistic or not

English is the only language with a larger number of non-native speakers on the Internet than native speakers.
There aren't that many non-native Spanish or French speakers writing in Spanish or French on the Internet.

That is not true. I don't think Spanish is Vivziepop's first language. In interviews, she speaks with a perfect American accent. Even Alan Ituriel has a Hispanic accent when taking interviews in English.
Didn't she once say that she doesn't speak Spanish tho? I might be wrong.


only because English is a pretty international, almost even somewhat forced language that pretty much begs you to learn it if you want anyone to be able to understand you across the globe (and even that might not guarantee your chances), regardless of whether you're a non-native or not and people might often either learn British English, American English or a weird mish-mash ass concoction that might induce a lot of mistakes in grammar in case your language education was pretty sparse and/or almost non-existent, which can be hard to break even if you have years of practice.

What reception did Charlie's redesign get?

I remember the fanbase being somewhat divisive (at least from what I collected). Some were happy with it and realized Charlie would be easier to animate that way, others already being used to original design would clearly miss it so. Can't even imagine how Alastor's reception will be like (apparently his reveal will be on the 18th) so I'm already bracing for the worst.

truth be told, this is also the same studio behind Smiling Friends so I'm not sure just how well animated the show will be as a whole

nglish makes me thing of Alastor if he was a language.
Highly inconsistent and loves to troll everyone who tries to learn it with its chaotic rules.

Speaking is different from spelling, and English has a thousand years to make confusing rules for non-native speakers.

Alastor would make a great ESL teacher because he loves torturing people.

What about Angel Dust?

if there's a Angel Dust redesign, I haven't seen it yet. (feel free to prove me wrong though)

Moxxie already seems like a pretty simple design enough, if they're gonna change, it's not gonna be by a lot, I think. Not sure about Loona though, since most redesigns might come from more complicated designs and that includes hair (which explains Charlies' redesign and to make the outfit more unique).

60% of the time, non native English speakers are always better at English than natives. That is because they learned the language at school, with a teacher and book rather than being taught by mommy. Because they learned it in a more academical and proffesional setting, it's a given that they can at least write better in English. They also put wa more effort, sweat and tears into learning it than natives so yeah. I'm Portuguese and I know what I'm saying.

The bitch is from fucking Maryland and went to art school in New York, she is not that Salvadorian. She is using that as the whole “I’m a person of color,” so she can get clout for not being white on Tumblr.

Her writing is continually something to be desired honestly. Her and Rodgers think simply being annoying and vulgar counts as humor. Some of Rodgers videos are funny but just being a screaming idiot with vulgar humor does not make it funny. Medrano’s inspiration takes from 90s/early 2000s animation such as Disney and Richard Horowitz’s entire filmography but does not understand what made the writing funny and good. It just continues to irk me since I love her animations and music (probably knows who to get to do the music which is a skill unto itself) but I hate her writing.

I thought I was the only human being in the world who hates Brandon Rogers' humor. Also, he's gay.

Because she's a millenial who was big into the Furaffinity and Deviantart scene. It was more important for her to suck up to better artists, steal designs from her collagues and get attention from the non-artists.

My grandma found my furry art and said I'd go to hell so I showed her this cartoon and said "HOPE I DO BTW I TOLD THE FEDS YOU WERE A TRAITOR!"

She's with grandpa now :(

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Uh yeah that's called networking.

english is literally the easiest language to learn

If it's so easy, why do they teach English classes in countries where English is the dominant language?

I swear some of you make threads about the most inane things

It's like 'Seinfeld'.