Stands up to a literal God, knowing he will die...

>stands up to a literal God, knowing he will die, because he’d rather that than go along with letting Veidt get away with killing millions of people

Why did Alan Moore think people wouldn’t see Rorschach as the hero?

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>letting Veidt get away with killing millions of people

Which is why he made copies of his journal and sent them to every news outlet he could.... and not like, sent his one journal to a rag known for posting lies and fluff pieces.

I mean, can you imagine leaving the truth in the hands of something like the daily mail... You'd have to be either insane, or a huge moron to do that.

Who's Steve Job?

Veidt owned most other news outlets anyway.

And the New Frontiersman was pretty much the only news source that actively and openly supported Rorschachs activities after they were made illegal by the Keene act. So he trusted it more


He expected people to recognize the blatant hypocrisy on display and to understand the symbolic significance of him taking the mask off and crying. He expected people to understand that this wasn't so much Manhattan killing Rorschach as Kovacs committing suicide-by-god because the rigid belief system that had protected his fragile ego had been torn to shreds.

I guess Moore expected too much

>expressing grief over genocide is hypocrisy
>taking your mask off to make Manhattan face the person he’s planning to murder is hypocrisy

His journal is a bunch of unsupported nonsense calling Veidt a cape-killer, Rorschach didn't actually get anything right.
It's not a foregone conclusion that the journal would expose Veidt. Shit, it's not even a foregone conclusion that the kid publishes it instead of something else in the crank file. The point is that eventually, whether it's tomorrow or decades from now, the peace will break.

manhattan wasn't a god, this is even a plot point.

>Expressing grief over genocide for the greater good is hypocrisy
Yes. Read his stance on nukes. This isn't subtle.
>Taking his mask off
Is representative of the death of Rorschach and the re-emergence of Kovacs, I didn't say taking the mask off was hypocrisy (what would that even mean?)

He was right about Veidt killing comedian though

Also a journal fingering Veidt at the center of a huge conspiracy, dated to just before New York is squidded with Veidts inter spatial studies building being the epicentre of it, is pretty suspicious

Also the records showing Rorschach was broken out of prison by nite owl and silk spectre

That's pretty unimportant to the point being made

>read his stance on nukes

Why do you think nuking a country you’re at war with is equivalent to killing millions in a hoax? Truman didn’t nuke japan and claim it was actually a meteor that hit it.

Rorschach stood for truth.

I always imagined his handwriting was so bad that the fat guy with the ketchup stain couldn't read a word of it, and the parts he could were always chunks and whores and "possible homosexual" that he tossed it to the side.

Years later it'd be thrown out in the trash when the paper gets sold and closed down.

There's also a version in my head where they do run the journal and they get dogpiled for how insensitive it is to post lies like that after such a disaster happened. "How dare you try to take advantage of a tragedy this size to try and sell newspapers!" Similar to how pro-government the usa was after 9/11, it was a real us vs them mentality we had, and there's no way a day after the towers fell could the news post something like that without getting assaulted.

Yes, it COULD be the loose thread that unravels the peace
Or it could be left to gather dust in the crank file until the end of time
Or it could be published and ignored because the New Frontiersman is a shitty rag
What matters is the uncertainty.

Yes, because Walter's philosophy was always an untenable cope to try to emotionally separate himself from the world while also chasing the justice he desperately wanted. He rejects the pursuit of this when he can no longer recede into his delusion to escape his grief and disgust and can no longer chase justice having been betrayed by the few he could have ever hoped to trust. He was already a hypocrite but his death is more a rejection of everything he believed.

I'm not having this argument with you again
Moore's intentions were clear

Alan saw his characters too much as the basic tropes and archetypes that they were deconstructing. He didn't see Rorschach the mentally ill zealot from an abusive background with a heart of gold, he saw Rorschach the stand-in for right wing conspiracy theorists. I don't think Moore even considered that readers would actually get invested in the world he created. Otherwise he would have realized that he accidentally created a world that was cynical enough to render Rorschach's positions completely reasonable.

If Moore intended for Rorschach to be like the kind of dipshit vigilante wannabe who shoots up a pizzaria because of memes, then Moore unfortunately failed. The criminals Rorschach kills are too irredeemable, the society he's in really is as corrupt as he says and we're never shown significant consequences to Rorschach's actions that can be clearly levied against him.

Unironically, Casey Jones from the 1990 TMNT movie accomplishes what Moore set out to do better. I'm not saying he's a good character or anything, but at least his brutal vigilantism is depicted as overkill. The subtext actually supports what the director is trying to say.

They make it clear that his writing isn’t bas though. The journal they took from him when he was arrested was written in a cypher code to stop others reading it. The “final version” he sends to the new frontiersman is a neatly written version

>Moore’s intentions

Irrelevant when his own story contradicts him

is very important. He wasn't suiciding, it was murder.

Well the main audience for cape comics is, may God forgive me for typing this word, am*rimutts.
Not exactly the brightest tools in the shed.

He's not supposed to be Travis Buckle, he's mainly a commentary on Batman (a grief-stricken nutbar seeking vigilante justice in the form of brawls would probably be a stinky violent freak with no social skills) and Ditko's Mr A (Basically just extreme Randian Objectivism which Moore thought was retarded)

Nah that's bullshit, to say Alan Moore leaves a bunch of shit ambiguous because his characters are complex with a bunch of conflicting inner turmoil then shut down any pondering on if the stark differences of these similar situations matters especially in ways that are relevant to character matters is absolutely fucking retarded.
Should the differences matter is a fucking valid question on its own.

Rorscach might not be hypocrite because he sees a difference in nuking the Japs and Dropping the Squid, he's definitely a hypocrite because he's clearly emotionally compromised

Whether or not Manhattan qualifies as a god has nothing to do with whether Kovacs was committing suicide (he was) or if he wanted to die (he did)

How do I explain this?
It's very simple.
People think he's cool. People think there's something heroic about him. It does not mean they like him as a person or think he is a good guy.

Both things are mutually exclusive.
Any Forumstards take note especially.

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It's really not ambiguous at all, you're just stupid

It actually is, you're just wrong.