Remember when Batman Beyond had a villain that wanted to turn everyone into furries and it was considered a bad thing?

Remember when Batman Beyond had a villain that wanted to turn everyone into furries and it was considered a bad thing?

And then in the comics he wanted to make bestiality legal by turning animals into humans?

Social commentary.

Attached: Abel Cuvier Batman Beyond.jpg (640x480, 43.3K)

That writer was just being edgy.

Yeah, and they almost make Dana Tan look like a wolf tiger.

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>I mean a “wild” tiger.

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I dont recall Mad Stan turning people into furries.

Well there were furry transformation in BTAS.

I think the point was that by pursuing outrageous physical cosmetics because tattoos/piercings weren't hardcore enough they were sacrificing their own humanity. To be human is to strive to go beyond our baser instincts to be something more. Essentially what this guy was doing was peddling addictive mutagens and hindering human development


Attached: Cuvier_2nd_Transformed.png (600x450, 451.16K)

>I wanted to be spliced after I saw that episode
>I wanted to turn into a mutant after the Camp Wanaweep episode of Kim Possible
>somehow didn't turn into a furry

>And then in the comics
What do you mean the comics? This guy got turned into a walking tumor and then burn to death. You don't come back from that.

He survived his nightmare fuel of an ending in the cartoon?

No, Terry electrocuted him and he was in a warehouse as it exploded from oil drums, he doesn't show up again. Only the comics claim he survived.

Beyond the guy behind it being a crook, what exactly was the problem with splicing again? IIRC the stuff available to the public was little more than glorified tattoos. Only his group of cronies had serious mutations.

Barbara's BLACKED husband gave a speech that said studies found it increased aggression in the users.

Edgy or not it was well written and had a fantastic ending showing the horrors that can happen with body modification.

I mean not really? The bad guy was fine until terry made him OD on the stuff which can happen with anything.

>a crook
there's a lot of synonyms you could use but he ultimately wanted to hurt people in a way that benefitted himself more than the person he harmed. this continued to the point where that person began to commit crimes to financially support their growing self-induced "addiction" to splicing. worse still: if he could change you to make you look like an animal, why not also worsen your mental state to create anxiety or dependency, or just act like an animal?

oh, and the doctor knowingly assisted criminals to give them low-level power increases that would improve their effectiveness AS criminals; who would then turn in stolen wealth to him for further improvements. functionally, creating a black market and new crime boss.

the doctor was absolutely a super villain and got less than what he deserved. >what exactly was the problem with splicing again?
a doctor exploiting his medical knowledge of genetic manipulation upon physically unwell, mentally unstable, or criminally inclined people. these manipulations of genetics DO cause genuine physical alterations that reinforce the unreal self-image the patient has, which keeps the patient coming back to be modified to maintain their illusions or delusions about their appearance.

simply: a doctor is violating their hippocratic oath and causing harm, and for personal benefit at that.

Aaaaand years later, we have transsexuals. Cuvier did nothing wrong, by that logic.

Yes really, you forgot when he made Terry a Batman or that some of these Splices resorted to a life of crime very fast.

And it was the most interesting episode. Everything else was unique bad guys with shitty costumes/boring designs or retreads of Batman's classic villains.

The comics brought the Splicers back, for like 1 1/2 issues...then it got boring again.

White male/Asian female never produces good offspring