What the fuck was his problem

What the fuck was his problem

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Stuck in a bad show

basically satan

Domestic abuse victim

He was black.

Everyone keeps migendering her


>Attempt to Abrahamized a mythos based on Taoist cosmology

Korra didn't want to be very Asian did it?

>twin sister beats the everloving shit out of you every day for 10,000 years
>the first avatar imprisons you for another 10,000 years

What WOULDN'T be his problem?

>yin and yang, the nature of one defines the other, can't exist without each other
>his plan is to destroy Raava

Seems more like Zoroastrianism

He's a squid

They forgot the black one doesnt mean evil

Black is also supposed to be the female one

It’s some kite with a giant dick for a face why wouldn’t it hate everything

Pretty sure they fought for more than one cycle before being separated

You know how people say there shouldn’t be restrictions on what an author can write about regardless of their own personal experiences and the subject material they write about? This is the argument against that. The writers could not help but apply a Western view of religion as being full of absolutes to an Asian setting that has reincarnation and balance as its core. What we get is a confused mess of an antagonist that created the Dark Avatar, because clearly we need good to triumph over evil in our story, regardless of what we label them.

What bothers me most is not the "good vs evil" stuff, but the fact that for some stupid reason Vaatu grew stronger by combining with a human, who gets to stay in control of the ancient representation of chaos. How did a puny, petty, self-centered human was enough to empower a being of pure, raw energy? What benefit does he gets from that?

Remember in TLA when they made it clear that even though fire bending was being used for evil it was still a part of the balance of the world and couldn't just be destroyed

they forgot that

Don’t you love it when your chaotic spirit has a plan. Nothing wrong with that no sir.