ITT we pretend to be anons who follow picrel on 'gotham-chan'

ITT we pretend to be anons who follow picrel on 'gotham-chan'

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Harley quinn should be bounded and gang raped

This dude might only have 500 followers but man I'm just so compelled by his shitty iphone videos that I'm willing to go over to the Gotham City Convention Center and help him out

Some of you guys are alright dont go to gotham convention center tomorrow. Happening thread will be posted

So long gotham knights

if i send him enough money do you think he'll show hole ?

Take it to the Joker thread or /vsp/ (Villain Slut Posting) on fag.

Same for you.

How are the mods not banning this obvious glowie from posting on gotham-chan?

We arent your personal armie, you green trashbag. Go back to plebbit.

anyone know his discord?

/qa/ lost. (qa=quinn ass)

Tried buying one of those masks yesterday, local milsurp place didn’t have it. Might just order online

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He showed me this… not a replacement. His only winter combat stuff

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He used to have one but the gcpd shut it down. He has a telegram tho. There are a few other splinter discord groups, but most of them dont have the actual riddler in them, tho some of the mods are in contact with him. I think there's a new discord, but you have to crack like ten riddles to get the link, and another twenty to get verified

>can't tell if going along with the joke or just genuine autism

Youre actually gonna go there? To the convention center?

Why tho? Its an obvious glowie operation to bait us out.

I can't believe you guys actually listen to this glowie.


like, really guys??

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also the dudes apparently going to end up in prison so even if it isn't best case scenario is you shoot a couple people and up killed or thrown in with him
I know some of you fuckers from /vsp/ are horny but you can't be that desperate to meet him

Genuine autism

You know, I get the feeling that anyone crying about glowies is a glowie themselves trying to stop us. I have confidence in Riddler unlike some of you fags.

This dude is just a Joker wannabe lmao. I'll wait until he actually do shit first. Finally found another footage on jewtube. Top this, Ridcuck.

>I'll wait until he actually do shit first
hasn't he killed like 3 or 4 people, including the mayor? that isn't enough for you?

Hey, so we follow this guy's plan... then what? We fuck up Gotham but we also fuck up, like, the economy. I am not in a position to fuck with the economy.

That's not him bro. Thats just a decoy. This whole shit is a honeypot.

post feet

genuine question, why do we have to dress up exactly like him?
like I have a ski mask and I really can't be assed going to every army surplus store in gotham on the off chance they'll have this extremely niche mask

Does anyone knows who this is?

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