What would he think about the horrible movies people are slapping his name on these days?

What would he think about the horrible movies people are slapping his name on these days?

Attached: US_1355_1.jpg (450x696, 65.4K)

Probably be like "whoa look at all this money"

But at the cost of good art. Walt wasn't only concerned with money.

>What would he think
you can ask him, hes not dead

Even if he was cryogenically frozen, the current Disney big wigs have no doubt unplugged him by now. They would never want him back

>They would never want him back
furthermore, the idea would probably terrify them since they've taken the company in the exact opposite direction from what he wanted. He would be absolutely enraged, I've heard that beneath the friendly demeanor he could be terrifying if you wronged him

>Those are some sexy little girls ToT

Why is Any Forums so obsessed with that one thing, he said one time, during the production of one movie? He was telling Ollie to tone down the character design, because it was too "sexy"

That's been debunked, chud
Stop posting it

No, he really did say that. But it's constantly being taken out of context by people who already decided they hate Walt Disney

He would simply stand on top of a cloud (a symbolic term for a construct in heaven) and laugh at them while they go to Hell, as the absurd spectacle of their journey there is more entertaining than anything they made in life and most likely anything they could possibly make. The irony is delectable in his opinion

He literally would not give a shit. By the end he was a raging schizo. He'd have long since given up on the world because the gommunist new world order has clearly begun several decades ago, and all he'd concern himself with is pouring millions into his schizo village where people are literally meant to own nothing and be happy, oh, and also eat the bugs if daddy corpo says so.

Attached: yT4n3G3.jpg (720x717, 45.84K)

He'd take the company's money and build the world of tomorrow on some island.

>129285724 (You)
>comparing Walt Disney to Klaus Schwab

>what is EPCOT

>what is EPCOT
Yeah user I know what fucking EPCOT is, and it would be nothing like any dystopian shithole the WEF would cook up.

oh, suuure. Having people break into "your" home to replace "your" fridge/oven/washing machine without your consent "to test a new, state of the art model" is not at all a dystopian horror. Certainly Walt's explicit veto against democratization of the decision making paired with the fact that people losing their jobs were to be excommunicated is not at all reducing the human being to a drone only meant to work, sleep, and consume.

>Having people break into "your" home to replace "your" fridge/oven/washing machine without your consent
You'd have to be stupid to seriously think it would be done is such a discourteous and aggressive way. No one would be forcing you to live there, doing it that way would discourage people from wanting to live in EPCOT

>Walt's explicit veto against democratization of the decision making
A democratic EPCOT would become just like any other American city and lose what makes it special

He'd fire them all.

He's a fucking head on a stick. What's he gonna do, gnaw their ankles?

>You'd have to be stupid to seriously think it would be done is such a discourteous and aggressive way.
You're just a naive. As Wikipedia puts it: "A person returning from a hard day's work could very well come home to a kitchen with brand-new appliances in it."
Another highlight: "Walt Disney stated that no-one in EPCOT would own their land."
The kind of person that finds the very idea anything but insulting is the average pod "person".
> No one would be forcing you to live there, doing it that way would discourage people from wanting to live in EPCOT
Yeah, who would ever forsake their ownership and agency in the name of convenience? :^) Nobody is forcing you to use a backdoored CPU either. Or a smart device. Or a credit card for that matter. Well until it becomes the "new normal".
>A democratic EPCOT would become just like any other American city and lose what makes it special
The only thing that makes EPCOT special is that you'd have to be an even bigger bugman NPC with a fetish for having your basic liberties stripped than in normie society. Keep sucking Walt's cock, but I smell a hand rubbing rat no matter the ancestry.