The Ghost and Molly McGee

>Scratch will inevitably interfere when Molibby becomes canon

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He'd be fine with Libby but he would definitely interfere with Andrea because he hates her

Why were they so surprised that Bobby had changed? It's been half a century or more by this point

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Do you think we will get a molly crush episode in season two and who's cousin/new kid would it be?
I'm hoping its a fight between Molly and Andrea over the same boy who turns out to already have a gf or just wants libby because he finds both the girls overwhelming

because the old lady they know also barely changed
After the last episode I absolutely think Molly will have a crush of some kind eventually. Maybe it's a permanent thing, maybe a one-time thing, but it will happen.

Terrible opening post. I had a better one but, I'm going to sleep.


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Where's the new episode?

I would hope its a one day thing and if molly does end up with the guy she gets bored of him by the end of the episode and he is happy because she is kind of forcing him into a relationship.
Turning to Libby as the girl who gets a bf would also work well because then the guy doesn't have to be inserted in every episode along with a scratch reveal too

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Seriously Molly is wearing boxer shorts for pajamas and you open up with a Mollibby fanart? Forshame user.

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What did you show her!?

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it can be tightened they are not boxers they are shorts
Her always having clothes and socks was done on purpose.
If this was the 90s we would probably get a bathtub scene with scratch trying to scare her with her finding it endearing

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She's become a woman!

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Interesting how Andrea only joined the team AFTER Molly joined.

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No the fuck she didn't they absolutely didn't say that in the Flashback sequence did they?

Its also pretty funny how she completely disappeared after molly won the game

Those embarrassing pictures of Pete at the Christmas party

My Mountain Dew boxers have ties too so they could still be oversized periwinkle boxers.

Bro she straight up said it herself why she joined in the first place she said the outfit was cute.

I like to think her plan when she drafted this whole idea up is she could sell a bunch of Davenport brand Baseballs and Bats to the School which is why she "joined" the team

She's the PR manager hence why she spends most of the time on the bench

She probably left after she got hurt. She just wanted to take some cute selfies with the outfit.
Nah, just something i notice while rewatching the first half.

Forgot my pic.

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So that's just Molly projecting events that clearly didn't happen exactly how they happened.

Andrea said it herself she only joined to look cute in an outfit and maybe sell Sports equipment to the school.

I should be happy the Flow of Failed Phantoms is being taken less seriously because it shits on Lorefags. But it does make it hard to measure the stakes of any drama. At least the writing is good.

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Needs a little toy mouse edit.

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>He thinks the reason for this doesnt have everything to do with the fact how the less time spent on Ghost related Autism is more excess time spent on Andrea

Get a clue. Have you not been paying attention. This is the Andrea show now. For whatever reason, plots literally start and stop depending upon if Mr Davenport is making his daughter sad today

Exactly like Gravity Falls.

Its been confirmed in the chat that Daryll is not allowed to have fireworks
Probably a reference to the Beavis and Butthead FIRE controversy
I wonder who was behind that decision

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>This is the Andrea show now.

Pfft, you wish murrlogic. She couldn't even get a phone call memo like Libby did.

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You dont understand. I do not AT ALL want this to be the Andrea show. The people in these threads are all lapsed fans of Owl House and Gravity Falls hence why they relate to this show

They dont like Andrea because of her current character developments they like the idea of her becoming yet another flavor of the same character they've seen half a dozen times already instead of wanting her to be something different and new.

I've never seen a fandom hate the very concept of wanting new, fresh, original storylines involving characters that start off as tropes. The fucking last thing Andrea needs to be is Pacifica all over again.

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>Starting off one of the last Molly threads before hiatus with a murrlogic argument

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They forgot to add the blush to her knee

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Dude you are literally the only guy in these threads who watched or brings up Gravity Falls and probably Fag House too. Why do you think we can spot you so easily?

Everyone just likes Andrea because she's pretty af.

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