Remember that time Spiderman got his eye pulled right out of its socket and eaten by Morlun...

Remember that time Spiderman got his eye pulled right out of its socket and eaten by Morlun, and then got punched in the face so hard no one could recognize him after he died in the most brutal of ways?

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Who let Millar write this book?

looking back at those issues are pretty strange considering how Spidey's comics usually are, but I really enjoyed them in mi childhood.

The editor should have kept an eye on the story.

That storyarc wasn't good but it felt particularly retarded since 1. it came out around Civil War and added to all the dumb ideas of the time and 2. Jenkins had done more or less the same thing less than a year before

This comic was my first introduction to comic Spidey


Eye didn't like this story much.

Did it catch your eyes ?

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I already knew the comic book writers are insecure and react badly to people noticing their failures.

This wasn’t millar but oddly enough he had a similar plot point in his marvel knights run

>have your eye ripped out of the socket by a giant hand
>your reaction is "Noooo! oh no he didn't!"
capeshit fags are absolutely retarded

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Peter's pretty resilient. It's feasible that he was in shock more than being completely out of it. Frognigger

absolutely retarded cope. he has spider powers, he's not fucking deadpool. shock doesn't matter, if you get your eye ripped out you're going to scream like an ape. manchild cracker

Knowing JMS and the overall page being full of jokes, it just seems like he was having fun with it while spending a page explaining an inconsistency.

That's just Peter's reaction to any long term change, he's not allowed to have anything actually happen so as soon as he gets his eye ripped out he knows he's about to get retconned or go through some stupid arc and get retconned.

We really didn't deserve JMS.

Why does Marvel hate Spider-Man so much, guys? He hasn’t had a good story in like thirty years and in the MCU he’s just Tony Junior.

Back when Morlun was actually a treat and not an absolute jobber

>injected silicon into a live bone to fix it, then suppressed the swelling

he's literally murdered that woman, best case she lives five years with the myelofibrosis he's caused

fucking idiot