Coco is a way better movie than Encanto, yet why nobody remembers Coco today?

Coco is a way better movie than Encanto, yet why nobody remembers Coco today?

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Because they made a better Mexico film ages before

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I pass.

sometimes Pixar makes films with an uninteresting/dull cast of characters that fail to truly connect. Unfortunately, Coco is one of them

If I want a celebration of Day of the Dead I'd rather watch The Book of Life



it killed Lee Unkrich's directional career. He hasn't done anything since 2017

It's way overrated, specially by mexicans.

I'm the opposite. I watched BOL after Coco expecting to love it but I thought it was a boring slog.

It got bleached by frozen. Most families left in confusion before the proper movie started

I don't remember anyone's name in this movie. The only names I remember without looking anything up is Coco, Hector, Ernesto(?) and Miguel.


You absolute fucking retard

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I agree actually. Coco actually got some tears out of me, Encanto just had 2 good songs.

No mega hit songs

Why does that skeleton have eyes?

I enjoyed Coco. The music was fun and the emotional impact of Coco suffering from Alzheimer's hit me hard. (I still find myself singing 'Juanita' every once in a while) That being said, I didn't fall in love with the MC as much as I did with the enviornments and side characters. I think that disconnect is Coco's flaw.

both movies are FTOM, in some months people will forget about encanto but colombans maybe? mexicans remember coco in day of the dead only

Mexican culture trascends wokeness

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Shit, I remember that. Some 30 minute episode before Coco started? Putting some lame snowman cartoon before a masterpiece like Coco was criminal.

i hate spics


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