Honest thoughts on Melin Lee from Turning Red?

Honest thoughts on Melin Lee from Turning Red?

inb4 >beanmouth durrr durr

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My honest thought is you should stop spamming/flooding, pajeet.


Low tier cunny. Would not cum inside.

what the fuck

I want to cum inside her fursona, not her.

Beanmouth lol

She's a piece of shit and I want to hit her with a hammer

Would punch in the face


>inb4 >beanmouth durrr durr
>posts bean mouth face

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My honest thought is that this show is bad for how its starting an abhorrent trend of ads showing up in browser cores that can't be removed from said browser.

Yes I am saying its bad for things that are outside its creators scope on their own. Suck it.


Annoying overachiever

The continuing decline of western animation

Ugly. The whole movie is ugly. Whenever I see any of the characters, I struggle to keep the contents of my stomach where they belong. It's offensive to all my senses, including touch, taste and smell. Just imagine the smell. It's awful. Fuck this flick and fuck you.


Alright, pedo.

I am Stanry Roo
Grorious shirr for Disney Channerr
You are a nasty trorr will be ding dong bannu.
You comprain about grorious period metaphor? Ding dong bannu.
You comprain about grorious trans character? Ding dong bannu.
You comprain about grorious art styre? OH YOU BETTER BERIEVE DAT'S A BANNU!
It has come to my grorious attention that nasty chud has gave Turning Red
a bad review, this is unacceptibre and shamfur dispray so dey will be ding dong bannu


-----------------RIND ENDS HERE

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Speaking of, I honestly don’t dislike the beanmouth per se, but I can’t stand how large her teeth are. I get what they’re going for but it looks like shit in 3D.

Turning Red?
More like Turning Reddit!

If you didn't already know it would you have guessed that she's Asian?