When will we ever get a good 40K animated series?

When will we ever get a good 40K animated series?

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Never because nothing GW funds is any good and they shut down anything they don't fund.

You could read the books.

Never ever.
That's why I quit cold turkey, I refuse to support this company if even after they've gutted the fan community of any talent, they still can't produce anything of halfway decent quality. They don't deserve anymore of our support.

When the people on the focus test understand what the fuck is happening

When Disney buys them out. Not even joking.


I unironically want to see the screaming when Yidsney buys and discontinues Slaanesh for negative portrals of trans individuals.

I want a series about a newly indoctrinated Tech Adept, apprenticing under a wizened Magos, as they explore the galaxy in a Explorator fleet. Each episode could feature a different part of the setting. One could see the fleet delving into a death world in search of a STC fragment, one see the fleet fight off Tyranids bioships, another where they dock on a major Hive world and have to deal with the local Hive politics, showing the contrasts and similarities between the Tech Priests, the nobles, and the underhive poor, one where they help terraform a planet that suffered Exteriminatus to be livable again. ect. With lots of plot points about transhumanism, what it means to be human, faith, and duty. Alongside generous helpings of sci-fi technobabble.

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I just want my super-violent Dark Eldar cartoon.

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>You could read the books.

Most of those are pretty shit too.

You mean like Astartes?


It's time to stop.

I want to see them buy GW and TTS and then turn around and make TTS canon. The bitch-fit will be incomparable.

>that Lady of Change
Very nice.

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Mogged by the Bloodthirstress

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Please stop making this thread.
40K secondaries are insufferable.
GW is a toy company, not a multimedia company.
>shitty style
>I can only draw heads and bodies from one angle, if I mirror the head maybe they won't notice

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I’m down for Eldar show.

I want a show about Greenskins. Whether it's Greenskins in 40k, Age of Sigmar, or Fantasy, I don't care. But I'd love it to be about a bumbling trio composed of an Orc, a Goblin, and a Snotling, and maybe their pet squig. And they try to be adventurers/freebootas/whatever. Highly violent Looney Tunes level slapstick gore.

Only from fanworks. Those are made with passion instead of a budget. Look gow much better Exodite is compared to Hammer and Bolter, even with GW meddling in it.

I prefer an adaptation of Infinite and the Divine.

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From GW, never
If they ever go back on their statement, fans could
Still feel bad about TTS, the love of the fans will forever be greater than that of the corporation

His epispdes would all be kino.

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