Now that some time has passed what is the verdict?

Now that some time has passed what is the verdict?

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OPs a fag


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Kevin Smith writes everyone in every project with the same voice.
He-man doesn’t kill, because that’s the point.
Removing magic from high fantasy is lazy writing.

it was pretty dull. I don't care for this but I can see why people are upset. I suppose people imagined it would be like 2002 he-man but better and with cohesive story. Instead we got subpar animation, absolutely stupid story and le strong le woman with partially shaved head. Seriously, this "you fear being special" was the stupidest shit I have heard in a while.

Decent. Nothing EPIC-MUST-SEE, but definitely unfairly maligned due to weird fucking twitter drama.

There's some Kino stuff (Orko, a lot of the Scareglow stuff, Triclops and the Motherboard cult, barbarian He-Man, pretty much every time Man-At-Arms so much as breathes), and some cringe (Teela in heaven being the worst of it). Worth watching but not as good as it could have been.

Really bad. Not “not muh” bad, legitimately bad. Hateable main character, extremely lazy plot points with some even causing plot holes, tells more than it shows, weak voice acting, everyone talks like the same person, and relies heavily on shock value.

The CGI show unironically works a lot better. It has its flaws, but overall it does a good job telling its own story but still feeling like a MOTU show

I’ve found the hate to be positively baffling. It has its pros and its cons, but it’s sure as fuck not as bad as half the stuff Any Forums drools over (or schlock like Netflix Transformers). I watched the whole thing in one setting though, which I suspect was key in my having pretty mild feelings toward it.

I found it pretty fun. Wouldn't rewatch, but would tune in for more.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) / She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985) > She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) > LeeHardCastle's Fabulous Secret Powers (2019) > He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) > Masters of the Universe: Revelations (2021) > Robot Chicken He-Man sketches > Masters of the Universe [movie] (1987) > He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002) > The New Adventures of He-Man (1990) > The live action He-Man Hasbro is working on (I haven't seen it, it doesn't exist yet, but I guarantee it'll make everything else look good)

Disappointing. Part 1 ends where it should've started. I don't think it made the best use of its time. That said, I think it has (or had) more potential going forward than the CG show did. They just needed to tighten up the writing. I doubt the sequelbait will ever get addressed now, though.

I'll be absolutely floored if the sequelbait isn't addressed. Part 1 practically camped on Netflix's Top 10, and got a huge amount of attention on social media. You can say that a lot of the attention was negative, but if it got people to say "I want to buy REAL He-Man toys!" Mattel will see it as a success.

I expect we'll get confirmation of more to come sometime before October.

>Now that some time has passed what is the verdict?
It was shit

We'll see. I'm just somewhat surprised we haven't heard anything already if that is their plan.

It's been, what, five months? Netflix has waited for longer than that with "Renewals" that weren't even really renewals, just them dropping more eps and saying "we renewed it for another season!" The Dragon Prince didn't get an announcement for about a year.

What's going to hurt is if they pick up the Horde sequelbait and aren't allowed to use He-Man's sister.

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If they had been honest from the beginning that it was a Teela & Evil-Lyn show with He-Man as a guest star, people probably wouldn't have been as mad.

The show was The Masters of the Universe and used all of them. And He-Man was awesome in it.

It was shit.

I hope we get more. I didn't love the first 10 episodes, but it held my attention in a way the CG show or 2002 failed to.

Similar. The Motherboard/Horde stuff looks like it'd be way more fun than the vague PHENOMINAL COSMIC POWERS bullshit that was needed for the whole "Sorceress' role being passed on" story.

Gimme creepy cyborg shit.