Sorry Antis, but Turning red is OUR movie. Us Mapsexuals have waited a long time for this

Sorry Antis, but Turning red is OUR movie. Us Mapsexuals have waited a long time for this.

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Is this even English?

Oh do shut up dear, you didn't even try at all

Sorry that you're so ignorant, maybe some day you antis will understand us and our lingo

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As a pedo, I'm offended that you think we want these designs.

It's better then nothing, especially the minors we get in modern films

Getting real fucking tired of the amount of people in the current generation of showrunners and directors who desperately wish they could be Studio Ghibli.

Minor Attracted People sexuals?
You find that thing attactive?

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I'll gladly still with the old disney girls over this.

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As if Studio Ghibli is that great, I hate them for their majority focus on female protagonists. Same reason I hate Disney, now comes the part where one gets called gay for hating females.

Females young and old are not interesting. The lack of accountability does not help.

It's a blanket term, i don't like the term "Pedophile", as it's like calling a Gay person "Queer" or "Homosexual" i prefer MAP

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I'm sorry, Americans used to know English and even had their own slang. I don't know what happened, it's like the late 20th century gave up on culture.

Looks like a pig, right. I mean it, Chief Wiggum from The Simpsons looks more human. This girl? Her face is pig like and she wears colors similar to flesh like a pig right down to wearing pink hats and her hair turning of a reddisg flesh color so yeah, she looks like a pig. Pig Ganon looks more human than her.

Are you kidding, it looks like Alke drew this

Anti-what? I don't even know what you're saying I'm against.

Jesus christ no it doesn't.

Why do so many lolicons have such shit taste? I swear I could draw a short stick figure, say she's 8, and I'm guaranteed to have at least a couple lolicons jerk off to her. Of ALL the girls you lust over, you pick THIS? It's like you guys get off not based on looks, but purely on the basis that she's a child. Reminds me of that one Mexican who got arrested because of all the Lisa Simpson porn he had on his computer. If you're going to get van'd, why get van'd over fucking Lisa Simpson of all characters?

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If you're a Minor Attracted Person Sexual, then does that mean you are sexually attracted to people who are attracted to minors? Like a pedophile-phile? Seems like a weird fetish.

If you actually read the thread it's lolicons complaining about her design.

Don't ever insult alke again by implying that this shit looks anything like what he draws.
Fucking disgusting.

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It's meant to be exaggerated, i have very low standards on account of me being a pedo, so i don't care.