The reason nobody likes Superman any more is because they've ditched his ideals

The reason nobody likes Superman any more is because they've ditched his ideals.
It's Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN WAY.
Superman needs to go back to being a fucking flying Norman Rockwell painting

Attached: Alex-Ross-Superman.jpg (3574x2100, 2.18M)

Norman Rockwell was fucking based tho.

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>the american way
>truth and justice
pick one


Captain America succeeded as a boy scout character in the MCU because he is often at odds with the American government and military. The AMERICAN WAY for Captain America is his own moral compass and first amendment rights, not taking marching orders.
But Frank Miller ruined the character forever by making him Reagan's bitch, and he never recovered from it.

Attached: captain america one god.jpg (640x640, 53.58K)

Please describe the American Way for me.

>Superman's ideals
"Due to his advanced senses, he can actually see the way the universe works: a vast, intricate mechanism of connections. The only thing that matters are our connections to each other. The only thing worth protecting is life."

Attached: You do what you always do.jpg (1280x2031, 589.46K)

Americans suck and deserved 9/11

You could also read it as truth and justice the "american way"

Why even browse a board that's 99.9% American made median then lmao.

Being the best. Hence why you read our comics.

The best at eating til you shit yourselves, maybe.

Shhhh go back to consuming our media.

The best at going bankrupt from going to the doctor?

Shhhh go back to consuming our media.

Leaf here. I literally had to go to USA for a medical procedure because it's not even performed in this shithole.

Fleischer intro is just "truth and justice". This is like the "under God" line in the pledge.

You're not in crippling debt, are you?

I mean, it's literally all you got. Doesn't give Superman much to work with.

You're obsessed with me, my country, and our media. All you can do is cope about it.

No, I have insurance like most Americans do. I'd probably be dead if US healthcare didn't exist.

Bro, I live here. I know how much it sucks.

Oh I see you're just a retard who's never left his country. Yeah that answers everything.

Come to the Ukraine if you want to know what "it sucks" looks like faggot

Come to Canada where we're so poor this is what our grocery stores look like now.

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>has to point to a warzone to make his shit look better
Go to the south side of Chicago, it's the fuckin same.

What do you have other than consumption?

Blame your truckers bro

>it's the fucking same
Spoken like a true 18 year old American leftist who's never stepped foot outside of his country. Gang violence isn't a problem for you. Even the people in gangs killing each other aren't starving like some areas of eastern europe.

>they have the bare minimum so your argument is invalid
ok retard

>bare minimum
Black people in America are obese as fuck. That's the opposite of the bare minimum.

Americans so so fucking privileged holy shit