Salad Fingers 12

It’s up

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>Salad Fingers 12 is up
>No Madness combar 12
Krinkelbros...We lost...

This is still going?

as long as people pay him money, it will continue indefinitely

People pay money for this?

animator gets between $3000-$5000 a month
produces one video a year

The was once deemed "edgy".

but why? salad fingers should had ended with episode 8

Fuck's sake, just let it die, Firth.

Nostalgiabaiting is bad enough, but it's especially sad when it comes from some indie shmoe who could make anything new if he wasn't so lazy.

you must be fucking kidding me

While I do agree, Glass Brother was really good and it's better that we got it.

what a shit episode. it was a chore to watch it

is it really? every new episode is dumber than previously and add nothing of value to the story

patreon change the game. Sexual lobster / Happy Harry have the same gig

stop depressing me

Glass Brother was the best episode, I just wish that the following episode kept up the scope. Going full schizophrenic wonderland with Saladfingers would have been great.

>add nothing of value to the story
What story? Salad Finger is just a Rorschach test and Glass Brother resonated with me for my own reasons. And if the comments section is to be believed, it resonated with a lot of other people as well.
The latest one was pretty "schizophrenic", but not as filled with pathos like the previous one. Is that what you meant?


i think he meant how we don't experience his delusions with him

Thats the point

I don't want to be negative, but I don't really get the point of releasing this one after doing Glass Brother. This is just more of the same after Glass Brother was a triumph.