Open up with war fantasy drama kino

>Open up with war fantasy drama kino
>Immediately ruin that with Thunder Cats Roar Style faggy Lolsorandom horse ripoff
What a waste of potential

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if it tried to hit the magic horse show autism spectrum it worked on me, except it didn't explode in popularity so now im stuck dredging for art

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This show came and went so fast. I expected it to blow up, but it must've disappointed a lot of people to fall off the radar so fast.


I got this one but the uncropped version is also censored, so don't bother asking for sauce.

I was glad it at least had a satisfying ending. So many of the "big" cartoons from the past years (Gravity Falls, Star Vs, Voltron, etc) turned out to have mediocre to bad endings.

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It's not just lolsorandom and to dismiss the entire show because of it is stupid, but I do think OP has a point with the lack of focus on the war fantasy drama. I really enjoyed centaur world personally, and I'm sure only getting two seasons hurt it in this regard, but I wish there was a more balanced focus between Centaur World and the Human one.
Part of the point of the show was showing off the differences and comparisons between the two worlds, as well as Horse and Ryder being compared with Elktaur and The General. For this stuff to really work it needed a lot more time with Ryder to showcase how she contrasts with horse and how she and The General compare with one another. Not to mention seeing things from the general's perspective a bit more beyond the hints we get from dialogue and songs would have been helpful as well. Perhaps just like how we got the horse/nowhere king flashback, the General tells his side of events to Ryder after she's earned enough of his trust. Would make parts like "you're just a horse" make more sense with a more clearly established bond between Ryder and the General. I think a lot of this stuff is currently within the show, I just think it's not nearly as explored or expanded upon as it could have been. Which again I think less has to do with the writers and much more to do with the lack of time/seasons Netflix probably gave them.

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tldr: Centaur World should have had more stuff like The General's Song and The Ballad of Becky Apples.

If a giraffe man talks to his ass, it’s lolsorandom



Something tells me that you shouldve known what kind of show you were getting into from the poster alone, and that you should've known you'd be into it from the very beginning.

OP is fucking retarded. Putting the cartoony stuff with the grimdark stuff is the entire point. What's the point of YET ANOTHER GRIMDARK FANTASY CARTOON? Eat shit and fucking die, OP. This show was kino and the biggest most unappreciated filter.

We don’t really have those
But we have millions of colorful cartoons with singing and rainbows and baked goods

>Yet another grimdark fantasy cartoons
Yea all those like... uh... over the garden wall?
Seriously are you really suggesting there are more dark, grounded western animations than bright, comedic ones?

>we have millions of colorful cartoons with singing and rainbows and baked goods
Yeah but none of them mix both the way this show does. All of them just do it for le quirky contrast. In Centaurworld it serves as a focal point.

>Infinity Train
>Love Death and Robots
>Dragon Prince
>Young Justice
>Cuck Smith's He-man
>Resident Evil Infinite Darkness
>a bunch of movies from the big 2
>a bunch of Any Forums shit
There are plenty. Also I never said there are more grimdark ones than cotton candy comedy ones. There is no show like Centaurworld.

It's a completed story and everyone's moved on
It was a huge surprise and the reception was great even if it didn't blow up

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A lot were disappointed in season 2 but overall the show was received very well by most of the people who bothered the watch it. Key words are "the people who bothered the watch it" though. Most are turned off because the show looks too weird.

Infinity Train has a Corgi king, how is that not silly. It’s not even fantasy and it’s almost certainly not Grimdark it’s very light.
Primal isn’t grimdark fantasy either.
Arcane is just League of Legends
Love Death and Robors varies but it’s mostly syfy anyway
Dragon Prince is fantasy but almost certainly not grimdark
Young Justice and Harley are Capeshit, and Harley is a comedy anyway.
Resident Evil isn’t fantasy
Big Two movies are also still capeshit and are usually light comedies.
Also we’re talking western animation.

They were turned off because it has "a giraffe man talking to its farts" humor.

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>"a giraffe man talking to its farts" humor.
that's probably the only thing that prevents me from recommending this show non-anonymously.
I just hope the current storyboard/animator twitter complaints dont jeopardize the creator's future endeavors since the animation and heart in this series was fantastic

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>I only watched the first episode and stopped watching after that: the thread

More like
>I didn't watch the trailer or look at the promotional material for the show: the thread