Why did Nostalgia Critic fail while AVGN became a huge hit?

Why did Nostalgia Critic fail while AVGN became a huge hit?

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Nostalgia Critic fucking won. #changethechannel and The Wall couldn't stop him, he' set for life.

I gotta respect nostalgia critic for being everyone's punching bag a few years back and didn't even react to it. Also OP is a fag

Did he? thanks to all the memes Doug gained a huge following while Rolfe stayed the same

Cool stealth OneyPlays meme regurgitation thread.

NC is spinning his wheels in cope of wanting to become an actual filmmaker and never really moving past the albatross of directing the same black man and woman for like 9 years in high-school improv-group-tier shit. Out of curiosity I looked up his most recent vid

Holy shit I can't imagine what it would be like being an adult just doing this cringe shit week after week after week for nine years when you're in your early 40s or whatever the fuck Doug is at this point.

I mean, regardless of whatever people's opinion of NC is, he uploads a new video every week. What's AVGN's release schedule nowadays? But to really answer your question, NC at the beginning made too many dated references. You needed A LOT of 80's knowledge to understand his references and humor. Then, there's the political references, like his belief that Mccain was going to win in 2008. All of this and more date his videos horribly.

jeims cute

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To continue this, there's the crossovers with the other creator from TGWTG/Channel Awesome. The whole "Oh no, I'm crossing over with you, I dont wanna!" schtick got old real fast. Not to mention that when he appeared in other people's videos and he knew next to nothing about the topic, you can expect NC to be the worst thing about that video.

>i cant hire people to write because its supposed to be my opinion
*gets caught plagarizing*
>it was my writers i did nothing wrong

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Eh it’s probably the same feeling as a 40year old working retail.

he's a cute retard

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people meme about Doug having a soulless deadeyes face, but I unironically believe that Doug really is a complete manchild who 1000% enjoys what he does

What did James mean by this?

James Rolfe is a pretty chill guy out of character. And classic gaming history is obscure and interesting to learn about.

Doug redeemed himself. James can't even commit to playing a role that he gets paid for.

Doug doesn't have any other responsibilities other than his job, James has a family

comics? cartoons?

Two personalities who heavily discuss animation/use animation in their projects. Quit being a janny fag about it

That podcast was something else, the wedding photographer just absolutley outshining all three of the "professionals" effortlessly

Then he should hang up his shirt and fuck off instead of phoning it in the umpteenth time.

This, dude doesn’t use social media at all so nothing can stick to him. That alone makes him Teflon plus having a decade-plus-old Sonic the Hedgehog-tier of lease is fanbase does that.

Has anybody ever theorized why his fanbase is so predominantly autistic anyway? Not in the derogatory way I mean in the genuinely diagnosed way.

nigga gotta eat