What if the Batman was an incompetent idiot who lets the villain win

>what if the Batman was an incompetent idiot who lets the villain win
Bravo, Reeves. Bravo.
This is why Spider-Man will always be more popular.

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Batman is normie garbage

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The plan was to have all of Gotham's elite in one place so Riddler's followers could pick them off one by one like shooting fish in a barrel, which failed. The flooding was just the method to make it happen.

>Riddler is literally bawling and shitting himself in his cell at the end
>" hurrrr he actually won lolololol"


You just described Nolan's whole trilogy. Cograts, retard.

It's almost as if OP is a fag.

>n-no you don't understand, he's only in his second year as Batman therefore he's shit at everything!!!

why aren't we allowed to have Batman films in which Batman just gets on with doing Batman shit competently

Because you're retarded.

so is your mom but didnt stop me from banging her

I thought it was an interesting way to end it. He stops the Riddler’s ultimate goal which is a win, but was too late to save everyone which is a failure by his standards. Leaves room for growth without seeming like abject failure.

>yet another seething mousecuck thread
Mickey is afraid.

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Because a flawed Batman who gets shit done is more interesting than Batgod.

Riddler didn't win though. His entire plan was to inspire the mass shooting at the end, which Batman successfully foiled.

Then there would be no story, theres a reason the only movie where he is competent is fucking BvS

It might be a failure by his standards, but it isn't by the standards of his books. Batman routinely fails to save large numbers of people from whatever the villain is up to. The endless complaining about the dubious ethics of leaving his villains like the Joker alive when everyone knows they're going to kill many more people are predicated on Batman not stopping them until it's too late.

This. I mean, No Man's Land is literally a thing.

That wingsuit. How come his bones were still intact?

He's not even competent in BvS since he got played like a fiddle by Luthor and would have killed Superman if not for MARTHA

>theres a reason the only movie where he is competent is fucking BvS
He was competent in The Batman too

>Oh no Bruce gets duped by an even smarter dude
>Still getting filtered by the Martha scene
Swing and a miss

the plot of the last spider-man movie was peter fucking up his life irreversibly

But it's only Peter's life, the world is still saved and there is no villain here but Peter himself. Riddler's win feels worse because Gotham is a corrupted, crime ridden shithole that could justifiably be erased from the world.

>the bad guy won therefore bad
this is your brain on Any Forums

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