Why the Riddler is the scariest comic villian

I think it was really a good and realistic portrayal because he's not some charismatic typical sociopath with charm but rather strikes as a lonely incel. Especially with his following on a Any Forums type website and them being terrorists at the end along with the funeral car driving threw crowd of people scene, this villain scares me because he seems real. Its really iree because there are swathes of guys like this waiting to be set off by a leader figure and that's the realism that makes the character very believable. Shit had me very anxious because its like the events on the news more so than a comic movie. Thats pretty much why the riddler scares me more than any other villain portrayal in that it could be someone you know that's been isolated more so than a average cape shit cliché bad guy.

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He came off as autistic, he literally sperges out and goes REEEEE when he finds out Batman hates him, he's gonna get cancelled for it being an ableist performance.

I didn't mind him being delusional and freaking out when people don't act as he expected them to. Seems believable. Psychopaths often believe they are "special," and only other "special" people can understand them. Of course he'd want Batman's attention specifically, feel like they have a bond over both being remarkable people, and would be pissed off when Batman doesn't think much of him.

But he still felt a bit one-note. Like, maybe he should actually have some charisma before Batman breaking him down makes him sperg out. Maybe he shouldn't just be generic serial killer #7373. Let him be The Riddler. He's crazy enough that even in a grounded, realistic movie, I'd believe a psycho lunatic wearing a bowler's hat and bandit mask.

Is he a good Riddler though?

so did he genuinely not figure out that Bruce is Batman or did he deliberately bait and switch just to fuck with him in front of the CCTV cameras?

Whoa...He is literally me

There is a reason they tell you to "Never go full retard". Playing a character who's crazy, there's only so far you can take it before it becomes unintentionally funny.


Classic Paul Dano

>Completely unaware of the fact that his clueless henchmen were being slaughtered, the Riddler was currently engaging in his secret dirty pleasure. Exhibitionism.

>Standing in front of a long mirror, the gimmick obsessed villain was clad only in a black man bikini with a green question mark covering his notorious baby penis, and several clumps of faux body hair adhered to his pasty white chest.

>Edward Nigma grinned wickedly as he admired his emasculate physique. "You are one sexy genius," he cooed in a depraved manner that would have made Slaanesh proud. "As impressive in form as you are in wit!"

He giggled as he felt himself harden to a length that was pleasing to large rodents, but insufficient for small whores. "Show me more."

>Riddler turned on his Ipod player, and the steady sensual beat of Marvin Gaye's Lets Get It On filled his room, which elegantly served to cover the death screams of ever closer origin.

>As he danced like a tremendous faggot, Edward felt nigh invincible. Having long accepted that he would never know the touch of a woman, he found that sexual narcissism was probably preferable. He was the most intelligent man in history, there wasn't a woman on Earth that was worthy of his perfection. Only he should have the honor and privilege of touching himself.

>The cameras he had set up began to click as he twisted and gyrated like a cocain addict playing Dance Dance Revolution, horrifying images that would soon be added to a collection of selfies that was climbing up to sixteen gigs in drive space.

>With an exaggerated flourish he snatched the front of his man bikini and tore it off, exposing himself with a Cheshire smile before an imaginary 'awed' crowd. His euphoria was cut off by the sound of alarms. Someone had entered his maze.

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I guess not? I don't think an autismo like his' brain is capable of the mental gymnastics needed to hate Bruce but idolize Batman, and he would have outed him to take that from him as petty vengeance, which is all Riddler was actually about

You are so fucking brainwashed.

wait until they hear what song he sings in 12 years a slave

I never really cared for the psychopath killer version of Riddler. His best take is and always will be Morally Gray Detective

Yes. It was perfect casting.He could also work as a more traditional Riddler too. Dano is really good at hamming it up just enough. Soon as i saw him in There will be Blood i knew he would fit the role.

It's the zodiac killer with a little batman idolization flair added. If you consider that to be a good riddler, then yes.

He definitely didn't know.

>Dano is really good at hamming it up just enough
Yeah, that performance was a whole lot, don't get me wrong... He definitely went extreme and got close to going over-the-top, but I don't think it was too much. It was fine.

It was funny

Was his Riddler like Phoenix Joker?

>being afraid of a movie character that isn't real

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I don't want to spoil completely, but just a little tiny bit in backstory similarity... other than that it's totally different. He's a deranged lunatic type, think David Berkowitz with more of a plan.