Proud Family LaP is a vehicle to shit on trashy modern teens like Maya

Proud Family LaP is a vehicle to shit on trashy modern teens like Maya

Attached: The_Proud_Family-_Louder_&_Prouder_Maya.jpg (1080x1080, 117.25K)

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BLM tho

Only if they got an ass like Trudy

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Proud Family was always a show that came off like older generations preaching to younger ones. Remember that piracy episode?

So does it really or are you doing mental gymnastics to claim that it's ackchually owning the libs

BLM has proved one thing... Black lives DON'T matter. I used to like dirty stealing black people before the blm terrorists. Now I see them for what they are. Lower than animals. Lower than animals because animal lives matter more than the best of any nog.

This is a cartoon thread, not your facebook blog. Go to Any Forums if you want to rant.

Maya is a superficial tryhard leftist and Penny owns her in the first episode by showing her she's a retard for forcing her ideals when nobody asked. Not anti-blm or anti-left

What's happening with that nigga's hairline?
Is this a thing they're doing now because I vaugely recall seeing this dude with his hair tied back then straight line through his hairline then nothing.
Is this a trend that's happening?

A hightop fade with dreadlocks or the bantu knots? Because both have been a thing for a while now.

If you're not black then go to Any Forums with that please, we don't use that language here

Not them, but i think they mean the bare skin just above his bangs. Looks like an animation mistake if anything

I believe user is referring to the layer of flesh inserted over top of some of the hair. It was the first thing I noticed, too. Pretty sure it's just an error from an artist who wasn't careful with their layers or the undo button or something.

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Oh yeah, that looks like an animation mistake.

The voice acting in this episode sounds weird like it was recorded in someone's closet. I guess some of these lines were recorded back during the height of covid.

Disney over here giving coomers fuel again by making a "14 year old" have a booty and titties

Attached: proud-family-louder-prouder-ht-ml-220114_1642184318594_hpMain_16x9_1600.jpg (1600x900, 106.29K)

no one watching this show would masturbate to this shit, she's not attractive

>no one watching this show would masturbate to this shit
I do

Black lives only matter to BLM as a front to fleece money from the government atop dead blacks and their bereaved families

Whoever designs the hair on this show needs an award. Everyone's hair is always on point

>>If you're not black....
that's always the cringiest shit and why I have no respect for black people.

uh, user. Did you know there's anons here that fap to floor tiles and home applicances?

>not attractive
I beg to differ

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Is that the adopted daughter of the inter-racial jewish gay couple?

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It sure is. Funny how the jew is the obnoxious character... again

Funnier still how "activism" always means posing with a fist raised and/or a megaphone.

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Well said. They should all go the fuck back to Africa and build Wakanda rather than ruining the rest of the world.

racists want black people to be smarter than everyone else? i cant believe it

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I love that this show still has big balls.

>we don't use that language here

I'm sorry, let me translate: Ooga-booga-click-click-pop-gimmedat-Idindunuffin!

Now do you understand?

SEETHING. Can't deny facts and cries for their hugboxes. Tranny liberals like you are why western society is falling.

If you were ever wondering what Aidscancer looked like here it is conveniently summed up in one Twitter screengrab.

despite obvious coomer changes, the show's humor is still very adult and slapstick which honestly is great to see. Its genuinely funny like the old days...