Superman Movie

How come that goober Batman has gotten 50 million fucking movies + a movie about how his archnemesis Tha Jocker was MOLESTED as a kid, but my boy Superman here aint gettin no clout? Batman is a corndog ass fuck nigga "oooh le man in bat costume so badass" "muh villains are all craaazy guys in business suits theyre psychological threats not PHYSICAL ones do you even watch Rick and Morty?" Superman is way more cool than Batman and literally dabs on him in every possible way. Every Batman movie is the same (and every Superman movie is so far) but they can do literally anything with this character. Time travel, alien invasion, tokukatsu/kaiju, psychedelic multiple reality stuff, conspiracy/mystery, cosmic horror, space opera, Homerian Epic, it's all there and none of its been adapted. Even animated would be good.

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>seething batfag

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Superman, Batman and Spider-Man are the three most iconic superheroes.
Bats and Spidey are the most popular, while Supes is pretty much just surviving on that list as the default silhouette of superheros and y'know, the name SUPERhero. That said, he's had his fair of media out there. It's okay to give others a chance in the light.

Low IQs, corn syrup, cynics, losers, soi writers, no creativity, low test, etc.

Others like who? Chink-Shi? Coon Knight? Ms. Muslim?

That's right. You got a bunch of thin-lipped nancy boys writing all this stuff no wonder it comes out so gay. All these gayass superheroes are turning our children into fudgepackers in large numbers. Superman, as a symbol of the secret robust masculinity and vigor hidden as every mild-mannered man's psychological shadow self can never be depicted on screen for millions to see. Even when he or similar characters are on screen, they have to be watered down (Man of Steel, Shazam, Thor) or subversions (Watchmen, The Boys, Invincible)

lifelong superman fan here. i've come to terms with the fact that superman will never again be a mainstream success.
batchads won decades ago and i will suck their cock

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Sounds like you’re better off watching Saturday morning cartoons, seethe and cope

>Superman is for saturday morning cartoons for kids batman is for real men who respect women
He has little pointy ears as part of his costume if you like batman your are gayman

Did someone find the new film scans?

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>can never be shown onscreen
>was literally brilliantly depicted Christopher Reeves in multiple movies

I like the green glow. I love the coloro in these films.

He probably just means in modern day.

I meant in recent years and in the future

Also he wasn't "brilliantly" depicted in "multiple" movies because only the first two could be reasonably called good and Reeves' acting dropped off a cliff after Superman 2

>i will suck their cock

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Because Batman is actually capable of interesting conflict and his ideal of justice is more applicable to the real world.

I will never understand what you retards mean by this. Do you actually think Batman is going to be shot in the head and die in a Batman film? Do you actually think he isn't going to beat the villain? If you have a problem with stories where the hero is obviously going to win you shouldn't enjoy capes at all, and yet you somehow create this insane distinction between the two characters that has absolutely no basis in the way the genre works.

The DCEU has greatly damaged Supermans reputation among the general audience. We need a superman film were someone can help Cavill redeem himself the same way Ryan Reynolds was redeemed.

>his ideal of justice

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>t's okay to give others a chance in the light.
You can say the same for the other two.
Don't you mean let them suck your cock? Batman is a bottom for Superman