
What a queen

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>like a cat
From a mama cat's nipples? Did she milk a cat?

The milk was Robert Pattinsons cum

That just sounds like a joke about extreme method actor preparations
Saw the film this evening and she didn't drink the milk in any unusual way that I noticed

I'd drink HER milk eh? If ya know what I mean?

unbelievable, can't believe she's getting accolades for this. when i drink milk from a bowl under the table my mom says i'm autistic and acting inappropriately for my age

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>If ya know what I mean?
I don't. Please clarify.

Guys, I think we got another Leto in the house.

i hate women

But milk is bad for cats...


Reminds me of that Marathon Man story.

She looks like Elliot Rodger

So did I one time when I ran out of cups.
Where's my check?

You can milk a cat?

Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples.

I have nipples, user. Could you milk me?

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Nigga how?

Hot, I kinda want to make my gf do that but my current one is somewhat asexual...

>Fuck me with that straight cis cock you white privileged bastard!
Geez, this movie was too political

I can milk you dry bby

shes not asexual with my bby