It looks so good bros

it looks so good bros

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Other than the blue, looks good

It's such a bright and shiny blue. But yes, still looks top notch.

Not enough ass.

>he has the 60's fat bug

is that a horizontal zipper on his ass

it only took 5 movies

I'm a pleb, do we like the small front Spider logo? The back one is fine if not really Ditko inspired which isn't bad. But I feel the front Spider is clashing with the back Spider logo. And why is the suit so so Bluuuuuuuu

Attached: On A Mission.jpg (685x1024, 141.85K)

Worth it

manlets - what can you do?

Still has the mechanical eyes I see. Guess he didn't lose all the Stark tech.

his homemade suit already had the mechanical eyes you based retard

If only the back spider was actually like this

You know in the theaters I thought it looked great but up close like this it's not as good as I thought, obviously much much better than the previous MCU suits but the material just isn't doing it for me, the suit kind of reminds me of the ones workers wear at Universal with that material honestly. And as usual the webbing could be more prominent. And maybe slightly adjust the front and back spiders too.
Not in Civil War, they were just dadk goggles, Homecoming retconned the homemade eyes to be mechanical for some reason.

Not the same. There's no way he'd be able to make mechanical eyes of like that with the resources at his disposal. Way too many extremely tiny moving parts.

There's no way he'd be able to make webshooters, nor the formula either, but hey believe what you want to believe. The kid's a supergenius.

user if he was capable of making them he would have already done so before meeting Stark. Fact is whenever Peter wanted to create something more sophisticated than what he could before, he needed to use Stark's tools.

They are going to change the outfit's design in the next movie right?

Shame about Holland's midget proportions though

Probably. Near as I can tell there's no actual physical suit, the bit we saw of it was all CG. That inevitably means that A) there will be changes made as the suit is finalized for the next film and B) Peter's probably gonna make a new suit at the climax because toys.

They probably will because Disney loves you sales

There's a reason why those goggles are all cylindrical, and with stark tech, he's able to make them flat enough for a mask