Technology bad

>technology bad

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Just pretend I posted a picture of Ted K looking smug, with some >Yes greentext.

>racemixing good

but hispanics are white, zimzam proved it

Name one way society has benefited from social media.

This movie is based in that regard. Too bad I don't follow by the rulz the film's narrative sets up.

This but unironically

Didn't feel this was really about technology per se, like seriously explore its impact on people, it just kind of used social media addiction as a medium to tell gags.

That's not what the movie says retard.


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>Social Media Bad!

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anything social is bad, social media just makes it even worse

I wasn't paying attention while my nephew was watching this and legitimately thought that the girl had pooped herself in public

it is

What are you doing here then? Why dont you follow Ted K and dont use the internet like him instead of larping here?

I am a cyber-primitivist user, my goals are beyond your understanding

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Why was the kids voice so disgusting, I actually couldnt watch this movie the voice legit irrated me. It did not fit him at all, Fucking retarted ass self inserting director


What kind of oxymoronic..


>incest good

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