Is Chinese animation Any Forums?

Is Chinese animation Any Forums?

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No, it's Any Forums.
Why do you think manga, manhwa, and manhua are so similar? Asian animation is anime, Asian comics are manga/manhwa/manhua.

>Asian animation is anime
No, it's not. Korean and chinese animation get banned on Any Forums sometimes and anime fans are specific that anime and manga are Japanese, not just "asian".
However I'm pretty sure chinese and korean animation aren't exactly allowed here anyways and besides, very few anons watch either.

>Korean and chinese animation get banned on Any Forums sometimes
That's just cuz they are Any Forumsutists.
I'm certain many of them would advocate for banning certain animes they don't like regardless of if it were Japanese.
Manga is Japanese comics, Manhwa is Korean comics, and Manhua is Chinese comics. It's can't be coincidence that they sound similar and are about the same thing.
But it's not like they could just change the name of the board to "Any Forums Anime, Donghua, Aeni, Manga, Manhua, & Manhwa".
But be it Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, they each have striking similarities, despite being "radically" different cultures, that apparently aren't derived from any of each other.
Would they make /ka/ and /ca/ specifically for "Korean aeni & manhwa", and "Chinese donghua & manhua"?
They are each so similar to each other that the main problem is just the weebs at Any Forums saying otherwise.
If anything Any Forums can be changed to "Altaic anime & manga", as Chinese and Korean animation and comics are usually just referred to as "Chinese/Korean Anime/Manga" rather than specifically as aeni/donghua/manhwa/manhua"

yeah why not. and this was really good. if you've never seen it I think it's up on Tubi

It's all animation at the end of the day, anime should've of never became a label in the west.

No. Rule 1 of Any Forums states Any Forumsntent is of Western origin. Any Forums are just retards.
That would also mean posting Any Forums stuff on Any Forums. Find a new cop out.

Wrong. Manga are white and black, manhua and manhwa are colored. Any Forums accepts black and white manhua/manhwa if I remember right though

Someone tried to have a Nezha thread on Any Forums and it got shitposted to death. I'd say non-japanese media should go on Any Forums but that place is such a shithole it wouldn't last for any actual discussion. It's a shame we can't just enjoy animation regardless of origin and style.

Attached: 1307525_nezha2_90330_crop.jpg (663x442, 40.75K)

That would mean just one board for all animation.

Not that user but I wish this would happen on April Fools. Combine Any Forums and Any Forums and watch the shit fly.

Since it doesn't belong in Any Forums or Any Forums than it belongs in Though that does raise an interesting question. Should Russian animation be considered Any Forums?

That would be so cool. Imagine the death batyle thread

>Clearly just rotoscoped live action
Rotoscoping barely fucking counts as true animation
Immediately disregarded

Any Forums should honestly just be anything non-japanese. We have puppet threads, those Turkish fairytale threads, French animation, Latin animation etc. Chinese and Korean would technically fit here as well but then you have to ask yourself this question:
What IS anime?
If it's an art style that means Avatar, CastleVania, Voltron, Lolirock and even Teen Titans would belong to Any Forums but Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lupin the 3rd, Panty and Stocking would go to Any Forums.

Attached: nezha_usrelease.jpg (1100x620, 90.76K)

>What IS anime?
Japanese cartoons.
That's it.
Personally I say Korean/Chinese animation should be allowed on Any Forums or at least Any Forums.

>anything non-japanese
No. We should have a separate board for that.
>We have puppet threads, those Turkish fairytale threads, French animation, Latin animation etc.
Aren't those puppets either American or British? The only oen that fits non-western is the Turkish thing but that's already a rule 1 violation. The last thing we need's to be a refugee board for anything not from Japan *or* the West

*as in we should have one board for Japan, this one for west and one for non-Western/Japanese

Luo Xiao Hei is genuinely one of the best animated movies I've ever watched, but I can't talk about it anywhere without being told to fuck off to another board. If I post about it on Any Forums, I'm told to go to Any Forums, and if I post about it on Any Forums, I'm told to go to Any Forums. At this point, Hiro should just make a board dedicated to non-Japanese Asian media (would include donghua, k-drama, etc.). I mean, if /vm/, /vmg/, /vrpg/, and /vst/ are able to get boards, then why not this as well? At the very least, it'll fix the problem of where stuff like webtoons should go.

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Japs gets way too much recognition for the shit they do.

If Any Forums's mods weren't lazy retards who let anime threads rock all the time because they don't care about the board they're moderating, we probably could have that already. Any Forums itself doesn't need dilution. It's a Western board, not a non-Japanese one

So things like Little Nemo and Cybersix, would belong on Any Forums.
That would be ideal but at the end of it all, it's kind of silly to separate them other than traffic reasons. Touhou used to be part of Any Forums until half the board was touhou posting so /jp/ was made. If not what you said, I'd also be down for a /cape/ board for all the cape comics and live actions to be in one place since it takes up most of Any Forums like touhou used to for Any Forums

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>So things like Little Nemo and Cybersix, would belong on Any Forums.
No, being animated by a Japanese studio != being anime, otherwise every 90s cartoon from Batman TAS to Animaniacs to SWAT Kats would be considered an anime.

>If not what you said, I'd also be down for a /cape/ board for all the cape comics and live actions to be in one place since it takes up most of Any Forums like touhou used to for Any Forums
eh, I'd also be fine with that as a guy who reads cape and non-cape but it's an unironically important part of the medium's history so /noncape/ would be interesting too