#NewDeal4Animation?!?! Part 2

Hi Any Forums, industry shill here again. We noticed that most of you were complaining about our logo that it promoted communism and while that wasn't the case we did see what you're talking about.

We updated our #newdeal4animation and #storycraftunite poster to scrub out any communist similarities and replaced it to be much more about what #newdeal4animation is about.

>You will have fluid hand drawn animation again.
>You will have baloney in your slacks again.
>You will have booba.
>You will have booty.
>You will have lolis.
>You will have firearms.
>You will have Tom & Jerry, Popeye and Looney Tunes style violence.
>You will have wild takes.
>You will have funny animals.
>You will have falling anvils.
>You will have a 30+ piece orchestra doing the music for every episode and NEVER have to reuse music (every episode has a original score made just for it).


>You will not have any LGBT topics.
>You will have no politics, left nor right wing.
>You will have no outsourcing.
>You will not have over priced celebrities doing the voices.
>You will not have tweening.
>You will not have 3DCG.
>You will not have flat, bland and sterile designs.
>You will not have limited animation.
>You will not have any fujos.
>You will not have 22+ minute toy commercials.
>You will not have any more reboots.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Even if this wasn't an obvious bait thread

>You will not have any LGBT topics.

isn't something anyone involved in NewDeal would agree to. I follow the majority of you on twitter and you're all either loathesome non-binary faux dykes or you're cowardly beta males

Realistically, how plausible would it be to fund and produce animation solely online? if i hired literal barrelscrappers with cold hard cash could i produce atleast a 12 episode series?

Alot about the new deal is listed here and in the first post, plus one of the golds with the new deal is to get rid of the loathsome non-binary faux dykes and cowardly beta males and replace them real straight gendered men, because what Fumio Kishida wants Fumio Kishida gets because the #newdeal4animation movement was 100% his idea.

He didn't just talk about Demon Slayer because he wanted votes from younger people you know, he actually cares about the craft and wants to return to the days of Tex Avery and Bob Clampett.

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>You will not have 22+ minute toy commercials
Fuck that. Some of the must beloved cartoons of my youth were 20 minute toy commercials.

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Trigger did a second Little Witch Academia pilot that way, it can be done.

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Most people hated the 20+ minute commercials of old, thats why #newdeal4animation wants to get rid of them once and for all.

oh great its this faggot again

Nonsense. 10 year old boys love extended toy commercials.

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>I don't know why this man entered the industry.

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Don't, we are having a good time here.

And how.

Unironically I believe you, you're just phasing it poorly.
The reason cartoons suck nowadays is because storyboard artists are wannabes who are terrible writers snd character designers. If this happens it means storyboard artists will stick to storyboards and actually competent writers and designers will do those jobs instead.

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#newdeal4animation will fix that.

>>You will have booba.
>>You will have lolis

Can we finally have both?

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Yes, what Fumio Kishida wants Fumio Kishida gets.

I may or may not be wasting my time typing this, but here goes:
I will admit I'd like to see more T&A in mainstream American animation, but that's not the point here.
If animation can't be made humanely, no matter what it is, it can honestly fuck off.
We're in a rough patch in time right now, and no one really has to work at a manipulative industry if they don't have to.
If someone in Hollywood or an animation industry higher up is reading this: Just throw a bone for the animators.


Even if y'all (I'm not a Twitter troon, I just want/need a second-person plural pronoun in this case (also, autism)) made good on these promises, the problem is, some of them are getting rid of things that make animation economically viable. Toy sales have been part and parcel with episodic animation since the 80's--- Pokemon makes the majority of its money through merch sales, which doesn't include the trading cards. Getting rid of that, if that is what's meant by "22-minute toy commercials," plus "no outsourcing" and "30+ piece orchestra doing the music for every episode and NEVER have to reuse music," sounds like animation would be running at a loss, unless you want streaming services to cost as much as your internet package. it's like the "games haven't caught up to inflation" argument---they have, they just offset costs with lootboxes and microtransactions (also, how is there not a shorter word for "microtransactions"?), to the point that some games forgo an upfront cost altogether and get by on those alone, to the chagrin of all but the most cucked and demoralized of consumers.
Do you want a "triple-A" animation industry? Because, in my mind, that sounds like what you're gonna get with this.

The point is to improve the industry and while merch will still exist you can't have it be a add for it.
Animation will never be done at a lost.

stop responding to the filipino schizo