Is it cringe to post this on my wall?

Is it cringe to post this on my wall?

Attached: IMG_20220303_111044.jpg (1023x893, 257.02K)

The labels make it cringe.

society, batman

Attached: abbyclown.png (889x815, 886.49K)

Nah its spot on and artistic genius

It's extremely cringe
But you're not having sex so who cares?

Yes, especially because Jaoquin Phoenix's shitty version is at the forefront

Even if its based, it still wont get you laid

New bad, old good


very much so. but I think its hilarious

Incredibly so, yes.

It's only not cringe if you have a poster list of Batmans (batmen?) On the opposing wall or next to the Jokers so it looks like they're staring off.

in a weird twisted way it's actually hilarious

Leto makes it cringe

Putting this up is like taking out an insurance policy on your virginity.

Doesnt look bad.

There are only 2 characters i can recognize in that picture.

Is that Jerome or Jeremiah?

where's 'The King'?

Attached: say the line.jpg (1280x720, 55.55K)

Yes. But it’s more cringe to have this poster yet have to ask. Either commit to being a shit stain or accept they your apprehension is well founded and trying to save you from yourself.

>validation bad

It must be nice, having never felt the tug-of-war between personal gratification and the acceptance of others.
You sound like a person who doesn't give much thought to anything he does.

This is the poster on the opposite wall

Attached: IMG_20220303_121649.jpg (969x709, 183.8K)

Ceaser's face says it all

Attached: 5 dozen eggs.jpg (515x427, 19.23K)